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Sabot Cat
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  1. Sinister Intents
    The context being directed at women as if they're objects

    Hi as well!! *hugs* hows your day
  2. Sinister Intents
    What're your thoughts on someone who says: "I'm addicted to pussy."
  3. Sinister Intents
    No problem sweetheart goodnight ^-^
  4. Sinister Intents
    That's me with comedies, romance, and anything with rape or sexuality, so some horrors and the vast majority of porn are all ignored. If I watch something with rape I panic!
  5. Sinister Intents
    Cool how was it? You brought up military strategy recently and I forgot to reply I'll find that soon
  6. Sinister Intents
    Comedies can be okay, but I avoid them equally, especially with anything with Seth MacFarlane, I hate that stuff its not funny at sll. I like horror, dark comedies, psychological thriller, war horror, anything disturbing and scary. I love stoner filns like Cheech and Chong, Jacobs Ladder, my tastes tend to be a bit wide in areas and I can't stand Adam Sandler,
  7. Sinister Intents
    I don't want to fuck up that should read... I didn't really sleep last night
  8. Sinister Intents
    How do you feel about romance movies? I generally avoid them
  9. Sinister Intents
    A shirt**

    It's all well but mental health makes it scary at tines I want to fuck up

    Alrighty, but if you ever need I'll reply as soon as I can sis *hugs ands hugs again tighter*

    What's up though if you're comfortable sharing via pm?
  10. Sabot Cat
    What's a q shirt...?

    Sorry to hear that though, fu... :c

    And eh... talking about it doesn't help for me... I haven't been feeling well lately either though.
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23rd January 2015 14:46
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2nd May 2017 18:30
11th November 2013

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  1. Alonso Quijano

    Alonso Quijano

    Junior Revolutionary

  2. argeiphontes


    Market Socialist

  3. ÑóẊîöʼn


    High-tech lowlife

  4. Bala Perdida

    Bala Perdida

    Darling I'll be gone

  5. Comrade Chernov

    Comrade Chernov

    Commissar of the North

  6. consuming negativity

    consuming negativity

    is beautiful

  7. Danielle Ni Dhighe

    Danielle Ni Dhighe

    CU Candidate

  8. Decembrist


    Junior Revolutionary

  9. Die Neue Zeit

    Die Neue Zeit


  10. etiennel



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