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Sabot Cat
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  1. Sinister Intents
    Haha yeah, don't under any circumstances troll reactionary internet forums, going to liberal forums or leftist forums is okay, but RevLeft is truly the best IMO!
  2. Sinister Intents
    I got called feminazi, had my whole account manipulated by the mods of the forum, all of my posts modified, called fag, n***er, c**t, *****, queer, et cetera. Those aren't really all that suprising, but the mods abusing their authority is very suprising, made me change my yahoo password immediately!!!
  3. Sinister Intents
    Ahhh I see You know RevLeft may have Stalinists who defend Stalin, but that is significantly better than racist, sexist, homophobes who attack you for using cuss words. Still don't care for the Stalinists at all though, RevLeft needs more revolutionaries!!
  4. Sinister Intents
    Ahhhh I understand :/ at least not everyone is a Stalinist or MList, there are quite a few other communists and anarchists that dismiss the MList tendencies, I don't think the attraction to Stalinism will fade any time soon unfortunately. What have I missed in my abscence?
  5. Sinister Intents
    This wonderful this site called RevLeft!!!
  6. Sinister Intents
    Haha indeed, a lot of patience, and it becomes very aggravating when the reactionary asshole mods modify your posts or interact you for cussing, and they delete or dissaprove your posts at will. And thanks
  7. Sinister Intents
    I've been alright I guess I've been trolling reactionary websites, which sucks and I hate it and will never do that again. Especially trolling (s)CumFront, they just wouldn't approve my posts. I've also been going through a bit of a meltdown, all of this has given me a loving appreciation of this forum
  8. Sinister Intents
    Hi how iz you <(^-^<)
  9. Niccolo
    View Conversation
    I like your avatar =)
  10. Sinister Intents
    Thanks ^-^ I go to bed now, ttyt comrade and I hope you sleep well and wonderfully when you go to bed
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About Sabot Cat

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23rd January 2015 14:46
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2nd May 2017 18:30
11th November 2013

24 Friends

  1. Alonso Quijano

    Alonso Quijano

    Junior Revolutionary

  2. argeiphontes


    Market Socialist

  3. ÑóẊîöʼn


    High-tech lowlife

  4. Bala Perdida

    Bala Perdida

    Darling I'll be gone

  5. Comrade Chernov

    Comrade Chernov

    Commissar of the North

  6. consuming negativity

    consuming negativity

    is beautiful

  7. Danielle Ni Dhighe

    Danielle Ni Dhighe

    CU Candidate

  8. Decembrist


    Junior Revolutionary

  9. Die Neue Zeit

    Die Neue Zeit


  10. etiennel



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