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  1. F9
    View Conversation
    im not laughing with you... i am actually with you on this

    ps:just be careful what you say cause you know a ban isnt was a mistake posting what you did just pm people for such things, dont give any reasoning!
  2. F9
    View Conversation
    goodnight purple name?

    Fuserg9 welcomes you to....
  3. electro_fan
    View Conversation
    yeh i agree, lol. it does provide an insight into what could eventually be possible tho ... take care xxxx
  4. electro_fan
    View Conversation
    you're right - i don't know about the riots, i don't think they were at all a revolutionary uprising the way a lot of people on here seem to because they overwhelmingly targetted the working class community, but hopefully they will get people questioning wtf is happening to our society, as well as the completely disproportionate reaction of the state and capital to these events. however, imo with the riots there's no one "right answer" and i think we (the left) have to be very, very careful how we proceed. it's very difficult and not a black and white thing the way people on all sides often seem to be making out.

    i agree though, there are massive struggles coming up. in it for the long haul now
  5. electro_fan
    View Conversation
    fair play mate. i have mates who are former swp members that have said the same thing, its a shame because there is so much disunity in the left at the moment.
  6. electro_fan
    View Conversation
    ah not bad, got to do some work for a family member but sort of procrastinating over it lol, it's gotta be done tho and i've made a bit of a start. i see you changed your name. are you still in the swp btw? xx
  7. electro_fan
    View Conversation
    hey there, how is it going? xx
  8. Wanted Man
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    Well said (in the points below, as well as in the many different threads and userpage discussions). I have no idea where this idea about the need for "BA unity" suddenly came from. It was exactly for that reason that I waited until they asked me as a mod, and not the other way around ("ZOMG plz let me in, I'm a good boy now and I won't ever disagree with admins"). People should become mods because they make good mods, not good sycophants.

    Paranoid bullshit has demonstrably lowered the quality of this forum, and will fuck it up in the long term if the current line is continued. If all mods and admins spent one hour a week less on scanning for dissenting opinions, and one more on doing their jobs, this forum would be fun again.
  9. Hit The North
    Some counter-points to hindsight 20/20's rant:

    1. How is expressing my opinion in the member's forum "outside"? Are you suggesting that the BA's relationship with the wider RevLeft community is one of "us and them"? I disagree.

    2. The BA is not a political party and your "rules" do not apply.

    3. It is amusing to be lectured on democratic centralism by an anarchist.

    4. The admins I referred to in the original post that so upset you, do not include Malte and they do not "own" this site (they only act like they do). Malte, alone, can make that claim.

    5. This might come as a shock to you, but Marxists do not defer to someone's authority on the basis that they "own" something. Neither, I'd suggest, do anarchists, so maybe you need to reach for another self-describing label. Liberal would suit.

    6. If you don't like what you describe as an "us versus them" attitude, maybe you should stop agreeing with "them".
  10. View Conversation
    Since you decided to continue the debate through my public messages instead of PM I felt completely warranted to reply freely there. Feel free to read it.
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"Events have their own logic, even when human beings do not." - Rosa Luxemburg

"There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen." - Lenin


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