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  1. Per Levy
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    actual im a pretty bad poster, i havnt read all that many marxists texts and i tend to forget a lot of what i read pretty quickly. but no i havnt heard of marxist-humanism, i should probally read up on it some day. have it good.
  2. Per Levy
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    accepted wholeheartedly, its good to see good new members as yourself on this forum.
  3. Radio Spartacus
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    Just saw your post in the state socialism thread that lead me to that excellent piece by David Adams. Just wanted to say I appreciated that connection, I'll be passing that along to some confused comrades and anarchists
  4. Remus Bleys
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    Did you read my reply to you on democracy?
    I did not articulate my self correctly and rereading the things i wrote before that, I found out I came off as a bigger asshole than I really am.
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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    Yo we should aim chat.
  6. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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  7. reb
    Ernst Mandel, the stalinists favorite trot economist.
  8. reb
    Sometimes it's amusing to see the sort of things that come out of them. For instance, that comment about anonymous buyers and sellers and the idea that commodity production ends when there is "super-abundance", which leads a rational person to presume whether he considers tribal people to be producers of commodities for internal use. They haven't even read the first three chapters of Capital apparently.
  9. Remus Bleys
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    Unfortunately not yet. Im not really in a position for heavy reading right now though.
    So anything short?
  10. Remus Bleys
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    Let me expand:
    A lot of the stuff in "State and Revolution" is compatible. And is theory on class consciousness seems to be accurate to me (for at least first world conditions).
    For simplicity sake I agree with his distinction with socialism and communism.

    However, I usually take Luxemburg and traditional left com line over lenin.
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About Brotto Rühle

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"The revolution is the political and economic affair of the totality of the proletarian class. Only the proletariat as a class can lead the revolution to victory. Everything else is superstition, demagogy and political chicanery. The proletariat must be conceived of as a class and its activity for the revolutionary struggle unleashed on the broadest possible basis and in the most extensive framework." - Otto Ruhle

...The Myth of Council Communisms Proudhonism

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  4. Hit The North

    Hit The North

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  5. Mass Grave Aesthetics

    Mass Grave Aesthetics

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  6. motion denied

    motion denied

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  7. Per Levy

    Per Levy

    Havenite Scum

  8. Radio Spartacus

    Radio Spartacus


  9. reb


    Dixi et salvavi animam meam.

  10. Remus Bleys

    Remus Bleys

    Communism or Civilization

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