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  1. ComradeMan
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    Edelweiss--- don't dare suggest that Hamas may be reactionary stooges in cahoots with the darker forces at work in the Israeli regime, or the Taliban are no more than US lackeys turned on their old masters- neither of whom actually do much for the "International" and cause more harm than good- LOL!!!!
  2. Edelweiss
    I already explained why I don't want to discuss it in the thread, it's off-topic. My opinion on Israel and it's consistency with my opinion on the RAF is totally irrelevant for the thread. I'm really not that important. As you have recognized, a much appropriate place is here.

    I can very well live with criticism about my opinion on Israel, and I don't want to silence anybody. The problem here is that some idiots here just can't bear when their hysteric
    anti-Zionism is being challenged from a legitimate leftist perspective.
  3. Dean
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    If the situation is parallel, why can't se discuss it in that thread? Don't you see that your positions would be a lot less controversial if you didn't use your admin powers to silence those who criticise them?
  4. Edelweiss
    Dean, I can't really see any inconsistently here. The claim would be true if I would blame the Palestinians for the repression by Israel they have to suffer, or if I would justify any of the repression as a just reaction for the terror by Hamas, Hizbollah or other anti-Zionists favorite "freedom fighters". But i don't. In fact I have always condemned the politics of Israel towards the Palestinians. The truth is that just like for Germany in the 70s, for Israel militant, anti-Zionist organizations like the Hamas are a very welcomed excuse for increasing repression further and further. After all, that's one of the reasons why they have been initially funded by Israel.
  5. Dean
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    I think its ridiculous that you can bring up "Islamic terrorism" but BobK can't call you out about the inconsistent stance here on Israel. Its absolutely relevant and I think your post is very poignant - indeed, the repressors are the only ones to blame for the repression they enact.

    That's not "off-topic" and I think its very abusive for you to silence this kind of criticism.

    Maybe its not off-topic here.
  6. ComradeMan
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    V BobK- stop stalking people. It's worrying. LOL!!! Seeing as you arrogantly throw down the gauntlet of people's politics at anyone and everyone who dares disagree with Comissar Bob, how come you didn't reply to my response to your hypocrisy and double standards? You accused me of being a racist, Zionist, pro-Imperialist hack because I mentioned Ghandi, what about El Che? Huh? Huh?
  7. View Conversation
    ah, can't stand any criticism of your shit politics, eh?
  8. ComradeMan
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    Kamerat Hey, wo warst du in letzter Zeit? Haben Sie meine Botschaft empfenge, die ich an Sie gesendet werden? Ich bin etwas besorgt über die Dinge. Jedenfalls habe ich hoffe, Sie sind in Ordnung und hatte eine gute Weihnachten und Neujahr.

    קאַמעראַט היי, וועלכע האָבן איר געווארן לעצטנס? האָבן עמפּפענגע מיין אָנזאָג איך געשיקט צו איר? איך בין אַ ביסל באַזאָרגט וועגן טינגז. סיי ווי סיי, איך האָפן איר זענט גוט און ביי אַ גוטן ניטל און ניו יאָר.
  9. View Conversation
    lots of drama is to be had in the CC, i guess closing it was the only way out

    im pretty sure there was drama
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    You spelt indefinitely wrong
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About Edelweiss

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Date of Birth
November 2, 1978 (45)
Rhinish Council Republic

"The proletariat, when it seizes power [...] should and must at once undertake socialist measures in the most energetic, unyielding and unhesitant fashion, in other words, exercise a dictatorship, but a dictatorship of the CLASS, not of a party or of a clique -- dictatorship of the class, that means in the broadest possible form on the basis of the most active, unlimited participation of the mass of the people, of unlimited democracy." - Rosa Luxemburg

"An Rhein und Ruhr marschieren wir. / Für unsere Freiheit kämpfen wir! / Den Streifendienst, schlagt ihn entzwei! / Edelweiß marschiert – Achtung – die Straße frei!"

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