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  1. Oh, you have posted them to a secure place - what a clever man you are. An international man of mystery. Get off your fucking high horse, you straight petit-bourgeois wanker.
  2. robbo203
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    BTW, just to let you know - I have copied these exchanges which expose your disgusting heterophobia and have posted them to a secure place just in case you should be tempted to repeat your scurrilous and false accusation that I am homophobic. Unlike you, I am not some sort of big cry baby who throws a tantrum and fabicrates smears against others when they lose an argument but be assured that if you repeat again in public your outrageous claims I will respond swiftly and mercilessly to expose you for the lying little hypocritical shit you are. The "offending articles " BTW did not say what you claim they said but then you are fantasist who will invent anything to protect your bruised ego. Im done with you now. You wont hear from me again because frankly Ive got better things to do with my time
  3. See, the problem with straights, apart from the fact that they're an oppressor group, is that they're the whiniest, most delicate people since white men. Everyone is just being so mean to them. Help, help, they're being oppressed.

    Also, as I said, I posted the offending articles in the previous thread. Not just the one where the SPGB explicitly denies the importance of gay rights, but the one where they try to such up to anti-abortion maniacs. I notice you didn't even address that one. Maybe because if you mentioned your attitude to abortion you might get restricted (abortion doesn't really gel with community values, does it?).

    I don't tremble, although you seem to be near an aneurysm. I wonder, if we keep this up, will there be a homophobe less in the world? Heh.
  4. robbo203
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    Also, once again you misunderstand the SPGB's postion - no surprise there. Yes as a general principle it supports the idea that workers should struggle for basic democratic rights where these do not exist (though you lie through your teeth when you claim it seeks the right to sacred free speech, "particularly for the Nazis" . Again where's your evidence). But this is different to reformism and campaigning for the rights of particular sections of the working class - in this case Gays. The SPGB takes as its point of departure what is in the interests of the working class as a whole and it is precisely for that reason that it opposes homophobia - because it divides worker form worker. Perhaps now for the first time you can start getting to understand what the SPGB really stands for instead of dreaming up some imaginary position
  5. robbo203
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    Yup you're a declared heterophobe and the truth is out. Thats why you are wriggling. Gotcha! As for the "explicit political statements" of the SPGB, produce this evidence tbat you claim you have concerning the "SPGB's homophobic line". Come on, Mr Gutless Coward who trembles at the thought of taking on the SPGB in their own forum while hypocritically accusing others of being gutless - cite the precise source where the SPGB was supposed to have expressed these allleged homophobic sentiments. You cant' can you? You are a complete fantasist through and through who fabicates smears to save face. If you were honest you would admit it.
  6. "Heterophobia", god you're killing me. Oh you poor straight people, everyone is just so mean to you. Get out.

    And once again you outright lie - the SPGB does campaign for some rights, namely the right to sacred free speech, particularly for the Nazis. The rest is the usual nonsense - oh I'm against homophobia, there's just no evidence. Oh the SPGB is against homophobia, let's ignore their explicit political statements. You'll go far in life with arguments of that sort. But as I said, not my problem. The constant talk about me attempting to "save face" is ludicrous - this is separate from the debate on planning (which just bores me since you're a whiny little straight who just repeats the same points without an argument, and manages to show a staggering ignorance of the actual science involved). This is just the reason I despise you.
  7. robbo203
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    One final thing on the SPGB - you have never understood where it is coming from. Just because it does not engage in the reformism of campaigning for gay rights or any other rights for that matter does not make it homophobic as you stupidly deduce. I know for a fact that it is vigorously opposed to homophobia and any other form of discrimination that divides workers. Its forum is far from inactive as you claim and is actually one of the most interesting around. I suspect you have never even visited the site. But then you are a fantasist who will concoct any kind of delusional argument in the belief that this seals the matter. Anyway, thats me done. Your continue on living in your little bubble if thats what makes you happy
  8. robbo203
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    The greatest irony of all is that you have now shown yourself up to be a heterophobe which is no less disgusting than homophobia. I refer to your statement "That's the sort of gutless, "limp-wristed" crap you expect from the straights". In any case how would you even know I am a straight? You know nothing about me yet you presume to judge me and to claim to be privy to my innermost thoughts. What are you - God?
  9. robbo203
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    Just as I thought - you are a gutless hypocrite who will fabricate any excuse to save face. According to you, I am a homophobe because I inadvertently used a phrase "limp wristed" which I openly acknowleged was ill advised and regretable. I have strenuously denied having any homophobia and have been fiercely critical of homophobia - perhaps not on Revleft but certainly elsewhere. But no this is not good enough for someone who has been trounced in debate and now resorts to these underhand smear tactics to save face
  10. And no, for my part I won't try to wake the SPGB forum from its inactivity. For the same reason I wouldn't go on a SEP forum and talk about how the SEP are a bunch of anti-union, pro-pig, homophobic bastards. Most people know about that - that's why they're there. You can challenge the less committed members - but you do that at events. The SPGB doesn't show up at events - unless you count their endless debates with fascists as activity (hint: no one does).
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