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  1. GallowsBird
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    You calling me, who is defending a West Semitic people from your chauvinism, an "Anti-Semite" (the usual cheap Zionist tactic; claim all anti-Zionists are really just racist, including when they have Jewish ancestors) is a bit ironic and very hilarious. You are a joke! You are the only one who has made any racist comments (about the Palestinians); not everyone is like you and dislikes countries due to the "race" of the population. But then you seem to think the whole world thinks like you. Sad really.

    You aren't a reactionary because you are a Jew; you are a reactionary because you support a colonialist nation and are a cheerleader for its military; because you report M-Ls for supporting Stalin more than you do (which isn't against the rules anyway) claiming they are blind followers (which is ironic as that is what you are in regards to Israel)! You are reactionary because you are racist and a nationalist!
  2. GallowsBird
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    [B]And I defeated it in the following comment. What is your point?[/B

    Except you didn't and my point still stands that Israel was founded predominately by Slavic settlers, only two of which (and Segal's parents were settlers) were born in Palestine and the only other Middle Easterner was from Yemen (and again, the Middle East and North Africa this does not equal Palestine which is a specific part of that region). You are just a Zionist sheep.
  3. GallowsBird
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    See my posts in the thread you got banned for. I posted it there. Look up the censuses, look up the signers of the declaration of independence.

    I remember referring to the PA government, although lying is a trait of anti-semitic losers, so I'm not surprised.

    Shall I go through the thread and show you what you and RedJew wrote and for which you got banned?

    Do you even know what Stormfront is? Gosh, the sheer stupidity!

    A place for racist nationalists liek you; sadly for you, you'll have to hide the fact you are "Jewish" though as they hold you in the same regard as you hold Palestinians.
  4. GallowsBird
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    No, the Jews need a Vanguard, which will only be satisfied with a Jewish state. I personally will never live in Israel, but I'd like it to exist. Why? Because I will have security knowing the Jewish state will defend the Jewish people and their rights on an international level.

    Why can't it be in the USA then? Or the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (which is still in existence), Oh yeah, because Palestinians are just "brown people" and thus they are only fit to be preyed on by colonialists.

    There is no real difference between you and those who support the Africanns movement in South Africa.
  5. GallowsBird
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    "he didn't believe in a Jewish nation"
    It amuses me how you'll, in one comment, recognize Palestinian Jews, and then turn right

    I did nothing of the sort. Palestinian Jews (the vast minority of Jews in Palestine) are a caste of Palestinians in the same way that, according to Lenin, Polish and Russian Jews were castes of the Russian people (again, read Lenin's writings on the subject... I suggest you also read Marx as well).
  6. Ismail
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  7. GallowsBird
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    Interesting, I saw that same claim on Stormfront not too long ago.

    That is a place where you belong, so I am not surprised you view it. Must be a shame that all you racists are from different ethnic groups and thus hate each other.

    Whether or not someone said it on Stormfront doesn't make it less true. In the thread that got you banned I demonstrated that the Zionist leaders (and a large part of the Israeli population) were from the Russian Empire and at the time of the creation of Israel most "Jews" were from Eastern and Central Europe.

    "That is precisely what the Jewish problem amounts to: assimilation or isolation?—and the idea of a Jewish “nationality” is definitely reactionary not only when expounded by its consistent advocates (the Zionists), but likewise on the lips of those who try to combine it with the ideas of Social-Democracy" These are Lenin's words not mine. Lenin didn't agree with "Jewish national self-determination" as he didn't believe in a Jewish nation.
  8. GallowsBird
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    However, it doesn't apply to Jews, as they are untermensch and don't deserve human rights. Right?

    The usual cheap Zionist tactic. Yeah the whole world is made up of Nazis who hate Israel because it was founded by "undermen".... get a life you piece of shit. People hate Israel usually because it isn't far removed from the regime you accuse people of emulating.

    No, they are descendants settlers predominately. You can't claim people think of Jews as "racially" inferior when you yourself have said as much about the Palestinians who are apparently "racially" fascist according to you and your friend. Anti-Zionism and being Anti-Israel do not equal racist to Jews; that is just another Zionist/Nationalist myth to deflect criticism.
  9. GallowsBird
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    All other people are allowed to have a right to National Self Determination, but not Jews. Not Israelis who aren't the majority of Jews worldwide either. Jews also aren't a single nation; a Turkic Qaray or Krymchak does not constitute part of the same "nation" as a Spanish Sephardic Jew or a French Ashkenazi. "A nation is a historically evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a community of culture" (Stalin); the Jewish "nation" doesn't have these things.
    Incidentally, do you think Jews should have a separate state in the USA? Just curious.

    At the time of its creation most were Ashkenazim. The majority still has some Ashkenazi ancestry. There was a great migration from Islamic countries such as Morrocco... so what? Mizrahi =/= Native Palestinian Jew. You are flogging a dead horse trying to claim most Sabra are descended from natives to the region when Palestinian Jews are a relatively small percentage.
  10. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Are you blind? I didn't say Jews. I don't blame the Jews for the imperialist government.
    I think your support of the Israeli Army is not worth wasting my time.

    Good night and go fuck yourself.
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