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  1. Red Commissar
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    1862 saw the Confederacy passing a law drafting troops, this was expanded with conscription laws in 1863. There were states that challenged this on the basis that this was an overreach of the Confederate government, though the states courts upheld this so as not to deviate from the war. Here's a law journal's excerpt on that

    It mentions the abused mechanism in the southern armies where often the rich landowners, either not wanting to fight themselves or not getting the cushy officer commission (particularly in the cavalry), could defer the draft by basically paying a fee and getting some poor sucker to stand in for them. This point is referred to in a lot of the histories of the civil war.

    Jefferson Davis was said to've basically reasoned that the Confederacy had to match the north's conscription as opposed to relying entirely on a volunteer force that was individually supported by each state.
  2. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Thanks for the acknowledgement, I guess. IDK, I think it might just reflect some of my on-the-ground experience, and friendship with some real-life MLs who, for all our disagreement if you "zoom out", actually work quite well together in terms of day-to-day practical activity. It makes me sensitive to broad-brush flames that start from the idea that all MLs are teenagers with Stalin fetishes whose primary practical activity is Albania-apologia. 'Cos, yeah, not true.
  3. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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    Alright good I hope to hear from him. Did he say anything else?
  4. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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    No I didn't could you tell him to get on AIM and message me? That's the most reliable way of contacting me. Either that or just ask me for my email since I don't know if he sent it to the right one
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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    Hey do you know how I can get in contact with Vincent West/Seaman
  6. Remus Bleys
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    Sources for this book, marxist philosophy, still being taught throughout the stalin era and having the neg of the neg. You've simply stated this.
    You know questionable, its late and i really don't want to have to go through everything stalin wrote right now - hes a shit writer already. So I really won't respond till you answer my question./
  7. Remus Bleys
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    Still you never actually provided sources for any of your claims. You've simply said they included the neg of the neg way back when.
  8. Remus Bleys
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    Source for this other than furr or hoxha.
    Stalin. Allowed publication of dialectics because he already stripped it.
    I really mjust insist you answer me or I shan't reply to you. This is me saying this now, before you respond, for all to see if you can answer this or not.
  9. Remus Bleys
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    So why did Stalin ever right on dialectics at all?
    Now Im on a computer Ill do more research on this book.
    Why didn't post-stalin not censor lenin? why did post stalin not censor marx? At that point, there was no need to. The ideology had already been determined.
  10. Remus Bleys
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    again, that was written in 1906 or 7 whatever.
    This conversation cannot move forward until you provide sources for your shit about how it was taught in schools, and answer my question on why stalin did not include it.
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""Even today Kaganovich is such an ardent supporter of Stalin that no one would dare to say anything derogatory about Stalin in his presence. Among all of us he was a 200 percent Stalinist." - Molotov

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's bunkers." - Enver Hoxha

fka. Enver "The Bunker" Hoxha


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