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The Jay
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  1. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    View Conversation
    Indeed I am. Comrade Felix Dzerzhinsky was probably one of the best among us, he was the leader of the Cheka and is usually pointed as the man behind the Red Terror, more or less.
  2. Grenzer
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    Sorry about that, it's been a hectic week but I haven't forgotten about the discussion.
  3. RedGrunt
    Ah, na Better Dead Than Red was a anti-communist phrase in the American Red Scares I believe, they probably took it and inverted it, like I did lol. The game does look sick though. It gets brownie points for not being a game where all the enemies are anti-american/NATO.
  4. RedGrunt
    Why do you think I've played Red Faction?(Infact, I just found out about it due to your msg.) Wrong person?
  5. View Conversation
    Ok...but I have very little time., So I will try to participate as best I can. It does sound like a very good initiative and had my life been not such total hectic chaos at the moment I would have unreservedly partcipated. But now I need to make the warning that it might be the case that I can only participate every once in a while. If that is not a problem then I am happy to participate.
  6. Grenzer
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    Sure, that sounds like fun. There are a lot their works that I haven't read, but I have a pretty good understanding of all the concepts such as historical materialism. The language can be a bit arcane if you aren't used to 19th century writing, but it isn't too hard when you get into it.
  7. View Conversation
    A group reading? Can you elaborate a bit more and give me a bit more information?
  8. Kitty_Paine
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    I only got into it because of my French ancestory, I might have not if that wasn't the case so I don't blame you for not knowing the topic. But now I've developed a genuine interest in it as it's one of the first great instances of the lower class rising in support of a leftist cause against an Authoritarian power who abused the working class. But anyway... lol
  9. Kitty_Paine
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    lol, It's okay.

    The Sans-culottes were the group of radical, lower class people who served as the front in the French Revolution. They were considered "far-left" in their time and their militant actions against the Monarchy and Royal family were the only reason the French Revolution got anywhere... So... I liked what they stood for, and being of French decent I figure it was appropriate, lol.

    I'm assuming you haven't looked into the French Revolution much?
  10. Kitty_Paine
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    Of course
    The fact that my brother can barely support us working 50+ hours a week is the main reason. That's ridiculous. And he can't go to any technical schools to get better jobs because he has to work all the time. Not to mention our lack of health insurance for obvious reasons... It shouldn't be so hard to simply live and get what you need when there is so much out there. They're called basic human rights, and a lot of us don't have them...

    Hey, wait... didn't you already ask me this? lol
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About The Jay

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I was born and raised in Eastern PA and am currently in college.
politics, philosophy, debate
Political Statement
I like my socialism like I like my jerky, sweet and smokey.
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Just you wait.

Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand. ~ Karl Marx

The state is the intermediary between man and human liberty. ~ Marx

formerly Triceramarx


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8th July 2015 12:51
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27th September 2017 02:24
17th September 2011

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    Have-Nots = Gonna-Gets



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    I don't need a Vanguard.

  5. argeiphontes


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  6. Art Vandelay

    Art Vandelay


  7. BIXX


    CU Candidate

  8. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

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  9. Brosip Tito

    Brosip Tito


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    Brotto Rühle


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