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  1. View Conversation
    "Yes, and now you're arguing essentially the same thing with different words: The use of "unnatural" methods (e.g. coercion, force) to abolish "unnaturalness" itself. "

    Have I not told you already that violence is natural?

    "The possibility of bribery isn't exclusive to the state. One could say that this possibility applies to all revolutionary organizations."

    Exactly, but maintaining the use of money will make it even easier.

    "Read Workers-Control-Over-Prod's post on my profile."

    His post sounds like those endlessly complicated utopian theories that one man invents in his study, without ever understanding that it would not work because it is too complicated to be put to practice without an enforcive element (the state), and unfortunately that would just make the state become even more authoritarian.
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
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    I'm coming around to it I guess. I mean, I would originally just say that third world countries should "establish a dotp with support of the peasantry (possible a joint dictatorship)" but DNZ made a good point that such a step means, technically, a minority class is waging a war against the majority classes and would be a suicide mission (not, of course, because it is a "democratic no-no"). His idea about the party structure and their roles and the support of progressive forms of militarized society is something I find very interesting and finding myself agreeing with.
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
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    His Third-World Caesarean Socialist theory (people give him crap, calling it a "troll theory").
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
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    What is your opinion on DNZ's "troll theory"?
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Already did
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Oh, nevermind then!
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Oh well, it's probably going to be deleted anyway, lol
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
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    I don't understand. It wasn't like these groups were created to cause trouble, they had actual discussions about actual subjects. The Bolsheviks group was a group dedicated to talking about the history of the Bolshevik revolution. The Third-World Cesarean Socialism group is a group dedicated to discussing revolution in third-world countries, etc.
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
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    A whole bunch of groups (like the Anti-Stalinist group) are gone. What happened?
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    The RedAnarchist23 wrote: "How is making communities self-sufficient a regression,"
    It is a regression and counter-revolutionary only because you advocate bourgeois forms of the economy. We Communists also want to make communities as much as possible self-sufficient, but capitalism has already socialised various regions to each other, made them dependent on each other. This effect of capital (if it is environmentally/resourcefully sustainable) must progress rather than regress, because if you regress to earlier periods of market relations, you inevitably end up in capitalism again. Communities must advance this process of socialisation if we are to get to communism, must further integrate with other regions to become one completely socialised organ.
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About Caj

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I am a communist whose main influences include Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Stirner, and Bordiga.
Labor-Power Salesman, Professional (Armchair) Revolutionary

"All immediatists [. . .] want to get rid of society and put in its place a particular group of workers. This group they choose from the confines of one of the various prisons which constitute the bourgeois society of 'free men' i.e. the factory, the trade, the territorial or legal patch. Their entire miserable effort consists in telling the non-free, the non-citizens, the non-individuals [. . .] to envy and imitate their oppressors: be independent! free! be citizens! people! In a word: be bourgeois!" -Amadeo Bordiga, "Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism"


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  6. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

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