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  1. The Cheshire Cat
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    "My singing of the internationale every morning I spend in the house alone probably disturbs random passers-by."

    Or maybe it will be the spark of the Portuguese Revolution. Someone in the streets hears it and repeats it. Then random bypassers start singing it and in no-time at all the whole city will be singing it. Then, illuminated by a revolutionairy feeling, people will revolt. Which reminds me, today I was in the city trying to film the last part of the movie a friend is making. (We were just about to film the last minute when the power died, so we will continue in 2 weeks). A 'friend' and one of the main actors kept asking me where the red light district was (whore street). After I finally showed him (he kept asking!) he did not even dare to look! And later he said he was not wearing his glasses so he could not see anything. So weak!
  2. The Cheshire Cat
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    Feelings are bad and should be oppressed and ignored!

    "International solidarity day?"

    Good enough.

    "Which is probably what upset her, I can keep my cool."

    I remember I once drove someone crazy by just laughing while the other one was getting more furious with the second, which augmented her anger until she was exploding. Then I killed her.
    Or maybe not. But the first part is definitely true.

    "Might also be the case."

    It is a good excuse. Everytime a girl gets angry at you, you can just use that excuse and everybody will be on your side.
  3. The Cheshire Cat
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    "They do"

    You told me before, I forgot already!


    But everybody is always dreaming about a white christmass.

    "Would you like to hear about our 2 civil wars?"



    no, just Anti-Sensivitist!
  4. The Cheshire Cat
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    "French documentaries are good, and the french accent sounds great"

    It is a good accent, but if you hear it too much it will become annoying and it is like they are always complaining.

    "Light pronounciation of the vowels!"

    No, you language is just FUBAR! Fix it!

    "No, just less holidays."

    So no Day of the Worker, but workdays.
  5. The Cheshire Cat
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    "but it is communist humour."

    Wich is the best.

    "I know, she even had those really tall shoes when they were popular."

    That is cool. My grandmother did not have those. Maybe my mother did, but I am not sure.

    " but the haristyles and clothes are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad."

    No! It is flower power. It is great.
  6. The Cheshire Cat
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    "which probably tells me all about the unknown love between Stalin and Marx."

    This is an interesting topic for a communist gay porn movie.

    "A love that is stronger than time and space!"

    And that goes beyond classes (with Karl being middle class and Stalin being proles). And beyond ideologies too...
  7. The Cheshire Cat
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    And I am having trouble getting my economics straight in RoN. The first thing I do is make replace all ministers with communist ones, then I attack a country and then I get assassinated.

    "Do you forget I don't speak dutch?"

    No, the messages are not important, it is just a huge amount of 'soft dicking'. Just unimportant small talk, he will ask you how you are doing, what you like, tell something about himself, make fun of you, etc. The purpose of the site is that it is annoying because you can not cancel it. Except for ctrl alt del. And keeping pushed enter helps too. But otherwise it is annoying.


    It means next.

    " I don't know what that means but it is probably something sexual."

    Haha, no. What makes you think that? 'Gapen per minuut' meanys 'yawning per minute'.


    It means boy.
  8. The Cheshire Cat
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    "Of course! You mean you did not know this?"

    Aw man... I'm switching sides. I want to keep christmas. Or at least a holdiay in that period. We could change it for Marxmas or something, but I need a holiday in that dark period of the year.

    "maybe it is because of this that she got annoyed."

    It is very annoying for some people when they are annoyed while others are not. Or she was just on het period.

    "thankfuly I was alone in the house, and I had my windows closed so that the neihboors wouldn't hear."

    You live in the city, your neighbours could never hear you because of all the noise!
  9. The Cheshire Cat
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    "When I was young I had suspicions about him not being real, so when my mother confirmed it I thought "I suspected this!"."

    I always had suspicions but I got presents so I did not want to know the truth. That way I made myself believe it, because I feared the presents would stop otherwise. So I was still in shock when I found out.

    "2 independence days"

    Haha. Two times from Spain? Or other country?

    "Well, you don't live in a crisis country. "

    That, and I would not accept the love of my parents. Presents or nothing! And I don't really want any more presents because I own nearly everything I want. Except for a cool scooter.
  10. The Cheshire Cat
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    "The one that separates individualists from socials."

    Anarchists are not individualists. Not us at least. We are Communal/Communist Anarchists! While we are for a collective society, individuals have better chances to develop themselves in communism. I think.

    "They will get rid of some religious holidays!"

    Good! Less holidays of god and more of the worker!


    Do those trees even grow in Portugal? I would say it is far too hot there. And does it ever snow on christmas?
Showing Visitor Messages 1501 to 1510 of 3400

About TheRedAnarchist23

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Date of Birth
December 31, 1996 (27)
I am a massive hypocrite!
Computers, COD, and activism.
Political Statement
Anarchist Communism


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5th May 2013 04:56
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17th June 2013 22:50
6th July 2011

20 Friends

  1. AinoAnarchist


    Junior Revolutionary

  2. AnarchistRevolutionary


    Anarcho Syndical Illegalist

  3. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  4. Brutus


    Senior Revolutionary

  5. campesino



  6. Comrade Nasser
  7. DiaperGrandpa



  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Mostly just noises

  9. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Goblin



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