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  1. View Conversation
    The Dublin brigade though tended towards Marxism.
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    But they were basically founded by Dublin brigade of the Provisionals who left the Provisional movement after they accepted policing. The Provisionals were a joke because you had people who radically disagreed with each other fighting together and often persuading themselves that everyone was fighting for what they were fighting for.
  3. View Conversation
    I agree with that fully. And I hate when Irish Republicans who ranted so long about the working class cosy up to capitalist scum in the south.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah I read somewhere that the English ruling class has hardly changed much since the Norman invasion which is pretty scarey considering all the social and economic changes that have taken place...I also remember that this was actually an issue during the English Revolution so many years after the fact!
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    This is the main Republican group in Ireland, they contain some Communists who are read up and good comrades but in general I think they are sloppy as hell. They are better than the IRSP because they do a lot and are active in combating racism in working class estates in Dublin which is a very good thing.

    At this point in time the only progressive class in Ireland is the working class. I reject out right anything that is cross class.
  6. View Conversation
    Good point about "Britain"...To be honest a lot of the time I prefer English people to Irish people but familiarity breeds contempt...I do hate the English ruling class though but in terms of personality class differences in England seem huge! Maybe Im wrong but really seemed that way to me.
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    Work mates, people who hung out the pub I drank at.
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    When I lived in England I got some slagging for being Irish with tacky sterotypes that was annoying but the majority of those who slagged me were also open to Irish Republican arguments, so were they really bigots as such or people who could be annoying wankers? I admit freely that I hate the Tories, I hate Thatcher, I hate the British Royal Family and the British Army, but lots of English people hate them as well...The trouble with some people in Ireland is when they think of those things they think "English" which is crap. Im for a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party in Ireland.
  9. Zhu Bailan
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    Thank you, xie xie
  10. Communist
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    You know of which you speak.
    I've never heard any great drummers knock him, but yes a few of the bitter ones or just basic jerks... You know the type I'm sure.
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About El Chuncho

Basic Information

Marxist-Leninist, though not a hardcore sectarian, grow up as a peasant, not a worker.
History and science, Leftism and reading.
Political Statement
I am a Marxist-Leninist. I believe that whilst comrade Stalin had his faults, he acted for the good of the people and his faults are over-exaggerated by some of the left. I disagree with Trotsky, and find him naive on issues, but I do not especially hate him or Trotskyists. At the end of the day I would side with any leftist against a rightist. I am not a great sectarian thinking that Pan-Leftism is more helpful than bickering, and I am inspired by the non-Marxist pre-Marx and Mark-contemporaries such as William Morris, Winstanley and Bertrand Russell (despite his naiveties regarding Marxism-Leninism).

I also believe in 'Socialism in One Country', thinking that before you can liberate the world, you have to start in your home. I agree with the wars of national liberation throughout the world, including in Ireland (though the IRA seem somewhat dubious at the moment) and the Middle-Eastern countries, and then built your country up.

I believe that cultures are, in Stalin's words, "neither racial nor tribal, but a historically formed community of people". I think monocultural internationalism is impossible and unrealistic, preferring multicultural internationalism.

Though Marxist-Leninists are portrayed as humourless, I am not even above seeing humour in my own ideology.

''Don't buy bread with that money, hombre! Buy dynamite! Dynamite!''

''I am a Marxist-Leninist, and I will be a Marxist-Leninist until the last days of my life.'' - Fidel Castro

'' I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.''' - ''Che'' Guevara


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