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  1. Geiseric
    View Conversation
    Hey comrade, just came around after seeing you getting flak, just remember this is the internet, so don't let people get the better of you, I know the forum is filled with characters, but nobody here's really worth getting angry over.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    LOL, i just want to get by which means we should achieve world revolution, since this is the goal for us all.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    So could you please explain to me how Trotsky wanted to make world revolution while the rest of us don't? What policies help world revolution?
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    You're a Permanent Revolutionary? I wish i could be a little better than part time, armchair revolutionary....
  5. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Ugh, well you are the only trot so far I don't hate.
    I really don't get what you see in Trotsky.
  6. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    How dare you be part of the anti-Stalinist group?
    You hate me brah? :")
  7. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Ugh, your new name!
  8. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Commies = Satan

    I'm sure now.

    Implying Trotsky is a communist
  9. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    I misread that as goatse (google it)

    Also Judas Trotsky has scary eyes:

    I swear he is going to eat my soul.
  10. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Story goes he defeated the Nazis with his moustache alone.

    And what does Trotsky has? Pauly-D hair and weird glasses.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 36

About Permanent Revolutionary

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University student
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Marx, Engels, Lenin, Connolly and Trotsky are my political bros.


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5th February 2013 22:47
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9th November 2014 11:35
10th January 2011

4 Friends

  1. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

  2. Goblin



  3. JPSartre12



  4. Rakhmetov



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