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  1. sunfarstar
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  2. RedStarOverChina
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    I'm willing to accept it if nothing at all exciting happens in my life time...Our life span is insignificantly short compared to the long march that is human history for progress.

    But it's the hope that keeps me going.
  3. RedStarOverChina
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    Of course, there's no single Chinese way of thinking...It's complicated. But like in most other countries, the majority of the people in China tend to be conservative.

    I don't know if China or any country in the world will become Communist. Maybe a meteorite will destroy Earth before that happens.

    But it's always worth a try.
  4. RedStarOverChina
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    But the underlining relationship between the CCP and the Chinese people do not change. It's a dialectical relationship but at the roots it is a relationship between oppressors and the oppressed, exploiters and the exploited
  5. RedStarOverChina
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    Oh OK. Well, the way I look at it, I don't think one can find grounds to defend the Chinese government---unless it is threatened with the Imperialist invasion. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend. Let's face it, it's not a Maoist state, but something more of a neo-liberal state.

    By keeping the Chinese state in check, I meant that China cannot freely slaughter and plunder its citizens the way India does in its central forests, Kashmir and North Eastern states. Foreign press will be at it like flies. Because capitalist China owes its rise to its reasonably stable relations to the West, it cannot afford to antagonize the West too much.

    And that's good from the perspective of the Chinese people. We resent the West for its imperialism and condescensions, but we also resent the Chinese state for its repressive rule. If foreign media rips on the CCP, that's great; and if the CCP undermines Western hegemony, all the better.

  6. RedStarOverChina
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    Heh, how did you manage to dig that up? That was from my "Fenqing" years. Nowadays, I've grown accustomed to the Western media criticising China even beyond limits of reason. To an extent, I even appricate it, though I realize it breeds prejudice against the Chinese people as a whole.

    Despite the massive levels of hypocricy, Schizophrenia and imperialist arrogence displayed by the Western society as a whole when criticising China, the criticism DOES keep the Chinese government more or less in check.

    India, on the other hand, has been given by the West a free pass to abuse, massacre and decimate its people. And it does so with impunity.

    I'd rather be Chinese and discriminated against than Indian, decimated.
  7. RedStarOverChina
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    LOL? are you talking about eRepublik?
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I am a 19 year old. A supporter of communism and maoism.
Music productions, rave, communist ideologies, learning languages, video games

Long Live Communism
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Gong Chan Zhu Yi Wan Sui
Oraet Dongan Gongsan Juui

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