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  1. ComradeMan
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    LOL!!! Fair enough... but why El Granma?
  2. ComradeMan
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    Name change?
  3. cenv
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    Thanks, comrade. Props for creating the thread -- it's definitely something we need to address.
  4. Agnapostate
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    It's a matter of the false revolution/evolution dichotomy; whatever produces satisfactory consequences works, with violent insurrection being a wholly viable option in politically unstable countries that have seen enough of it but electoral strategy being preferable in politically stable countries, such as the liberal democracies of the West.

    Anything to illustrate the fact that Smith was opposed to so much of the idiocy now spouted in his name, as Chomsky put it.
  5. Agnapostate
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    "Guerilla warfare in a less developed country such as Nepal, where there is a less certain political structure, shall we say, as opposed to the 'liberal democracies' that have been more or less stable in the West for an umber of years, is a tactic which one can defend. The Capitalists will call it terrorism, obviously, to blacken the name of what is an opposition movement. However, it is clear that what is going on in Nepal and some provinces in India is genuine Maoism. Not that I am a Maoist myself, but one must understand that if you decry all guerilla warfare as 'terrorist' and such like, then nothing will ever get achieved in less developed countries."

    My thoughts exactly.
  6. *Viva La Revolucion*
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    I should be in upper sixth but I'm actually still in lower sixth. I won't go into an explanation because it's complicated. The problem is that I have no idea what I want to study or where I want to study. I like English, history, classics, philosophy, languages...the list goes on.

    I know what you mean. It's better to join a party that isn't built around a single issue, but instead encompasses a variety of different campaigns.

    What do you want to do after Uni? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions! Maybe I should move this conversation to PMs.
  7. *Viva La Revolucion*
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    Why don't you like individual issues?

    That was what I found with the CPB. Their policies and views seemed OK on first glance, but they turned out to be quite vague.

    I'm not too far from York, actually. It's supposed to be a great place. At the moment I'm still in 6th form and will probably wait a year before applying anywhere because I'm so indecisive.

    Good luck with your studies
  8. *Viva La Revolucion*
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    I don't have a tendency either. I agree with a mixture of ideas and I don't believe there is a single 'correct' ideology. Nobody can be 100% right.

    I can't really advise because I'm in a similar situation, but maybe if you pick out individual issues it would be easier to get involved that way? For example, with gay rights there are a number of groups you could join. Or environmental stuff or pro-immigration groups.

    What are you studying? (I assume you're at Uni)
  9. *Viva La Revolucion*
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    I was going to join the Young Communist League, but I changed my mind at the last minute because I wasn't sure my views matched up to theirs. I was also considering joining the SWP, but I heard bad things about it from members. Groups on the left are so confusing!

    Are you a member of any organisations?
  10. *Viva La Revolucion*
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    Hi there

    Haha, no he isn't, but I admire the amount of effort he's put into campaigning.
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  1. blake 3:17

    blake 3:17

    Global Moderator

  2. ed miliband

    ed miliband

    eat social democrats

  3. Jimmie Higgins

    Jimmie Higgins

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  4. Le Libérer

    Le Libérer


  5. Le Socialiste

    Le Socialiste

    American Psycho

  6. Quail


    hysterical man-hater

  7. Sentinel



  8. The Douche

    The Douche

    not an anarchist

  9. The Feral Underclass
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