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About Alexander11

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Midwest, USA
Backpacking, travel, languages, apologetics, reading, music
Interpreter/ TESOL Teacher
Political Statement
I've joined revleft because I want to connect with people who recognize that the world doesn't have to stay a bad place, that poverty, hunger, and injustice aren't just facts of life, but facts of the life we've made for oursleves, and can unmake if we want.
I've joined the site because growing older and a bit wiser has opened my eyes to the bullshit system we all live under. Growing up in hyper conservative middle America, watching people cheer the leaders who keep them in what, at times, amounts to little better than slavery, has gotten old. I'm tried of this way doing things, I'm tired of of my communities practically worshiping an economic system, such that suggesting an alternative becomes heresy or treason. I'm honestly not good with labels, but if I had to choose a politicallabel for myself, I would choose Christian socialist.
I believe that the competition and greed that drives our society is unnatural and immoral. I believe in the Christ that tells us to come out of ourselves and look at our brothers and sisters, whose central message was a love for others which is coldly stopped when they are pitted against each other in the arena of capitalism.


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28th December 2014 13:29
27th December 2014