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  1. Zanthorus
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    Do you know much about the original Socialist Labour Party (UK), set up by James Conolly and the left-wing of Hyndman's SDF under the influence of DeLeon? If so, what are your thoughts on them? I understand that the SLP (UK) distuinguished itself from DeLeonism as such by having a minimum programme of reformist demands. Wiki also says that the SLP's propaganda meant that industrial unionist politics had a large impact on the early UK socialist parties. The past few issues of the Weekly Worker have had some articles attacking the SLP for refusing to fold into the CPGB in 1920 on the basis of opposition to affiliating to the Labour party, so naturally I twigged that they must have been doing something right.
  2. DaComm
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  3. DaComm
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    Hi, could you explain how the DeLeonist Socialist Industrial Union would work in a hypothetical scenario? By the way, is that a flying fish in your picture?
  4. Zanthorus
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    Yeah, I've read a few of those article on libcom. I agree with pretty much everything which he has to say apart from the possibility of early 20th century Russia reaching socialism. I read an article by him somewhere on Lenin and Trotsky's idea of revolution verus Marx and Engels and the basic point he seemed to be making was that because Russia was in many senses pre-capitalist, the Russian revolution could only be a bourgeois revolution. Reading through the earliest article on there, he talks about "two stage" theory, and the main point being made seems to be simply that "actually existing socialism" wasn't such a thing, which is correct as far as it goes ,but he seems to bring it down to a semantics issue, instead of the fact that if the "third world" proletariat had linked up with the "first world" proletariat, the process of capital accumulation by the state could've been avoided in the first place.
  5. Zanthorus
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    It's from one of his papers on the International working group on value theory site, from '97. The paper title is "The Value of Money, Abstract Labour and the foundations of a dynamical political economy".
  6. samofshs
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    we seem to thank people on a lot of the same things, i sent you a friend request if you'll notice.
  7. View Conversation
    Christ, you can turn everything into an argument, can't you? I'm not even going to bother with it...
  8. Lyev
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    Thank you, it's mainly fictitious capital and linking the theory of the falling rate of profit directly into an explanation of the current crisis.
  9. Lyev
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    Hello Zero, following the advice and such you've given me about the current economic crisis I was wondering if I could have your help in understanding some aspects the crisis? I have explained most of it in this thread ( linking the theory of the falling rate of profit into the outsourcing of labour and surge of immigrants into the developed western world in the 70s, but I get lost when linking this all into the current crisis, what with the sum-prime mortgages and toxic loans, but also the the credit and loans that were given out in the 70s as well. I could be wrong in some aspects as well. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot comrade.
  10. Die Neue Zeit
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    Re. labour credits: you have yet to post in this thread:
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Abjure the Scriptures and his Saviour Christ,
We fly in hope to get his glorious soul,
Nor will we come unless he use such means
Whereby he is in danger to be damned.
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Is stoutly to abjure the Trinity
And pray devoutly to the prince of hell.


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