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  1. Outinleftfield
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    LOL. Fair enough then.
  2. Outinleftfield
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    As I've ceased to be a Radical Leftist(although I am still on the Left) I'd like to offer you administration of the "Stop Haggling Over Semantics Group!"
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  4. Queercommie Girl
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    Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. My basic point is that not only do I completely disagree with the racialist supremacist theories of Stormfront types, but I dislike the very notion of talking about "physical race" as if it's of any importance at all. Of course I oppose cultural racism too, but I think that cultural racism makes a bit more sense than the sole focus on "physical race" that these Stormfront-type scums always blabber on about.

    Here is an interesting article though (not entirely accurate or unbiased, or indeed progressive), which shows that in ancient times people probably focussed more on "culture" and less on "physical race":
  5. Queercommie Girl
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    To be frank with you I don't really care about this. Han Chinese culture isn't really so pre-occupied with "racial" issues as such. Even hardline Han nationalists in China mainly focus on culture and ethnicity in the more traditional sense. So the fact that whites may have had a role in shaping early Chinese civilisation doesn't really bother me at all. I'm more concerned about the systematic trashing of Han culture by Westerners than purely racial issues such as this.
  6. Queercommie Girl
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    Yes the general idea of white supremacists regarding China is that white Tocharians brought civilisation into China.

    There was also a disputed archaeological evidence which apparently suggested that the Chinese people living in what is now Shandong province (where Confucius came from) around 2500 years ago had mtDNA markers that are similar to Europeans.

    Objectively it might be possible that there were a few Caucasian strains in very early Chinese populations, since the Zhou people who founded the Zhou Dynasty in 1046 BCE mixed with many tribes from what is now Western China. "Chinese" after all is more of a cultural and ethnic rather than racial distinction. But the Tocharians did not possess a higher level of civilisation than the North China Plain. If anything, North China was more culturally and technologically developed than Central Asia in most aspects, except perhaps chariot-making. But even in this the Chinese generally surpassed Central Asia after 1200 BCE.
  7. Queercommie Girl
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    In principle I could, but then those white supremacists would just argue that it was really white people that created Chinese civilisation. Stormfront once posted something called "The March of the Titans", which argues that all of the major civilisations in the ancient world were originally created by white people who then mixed with the local non-white natives.

    Also, I'm not sure if this is the right kind of approach in dealing with white supremacists. It's like implicitly assuming that non-whites are equal with whites because we also created complex and advanced civilisations. However, there are many tribal peoples around the world who really are very primitive, but the fact that they are primitive doesn't mean they are intrinsically inferior to any of the more advanced cultures. Racial and ethnic equality is not dependent upon how much a people has achieved in a civilisational sense, it's simply intrinsic and unconditional.
  8. View Conversation
    Are you actively serving or in DEP?
  9. View Conversation
    Dude, I was there when you posted that stuff
  10. Thirsty Crow
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    Hello, glad to see you post again
    It seems to me that you were a bit inactive for a period of time.

    Oh yeah, and another thing: I hope you wouldn't mind if I asked you fairly stupid questions regarding economics and the workings of global political economy, from time to time I had the impression that you were fairly acquainted with the field...unlike myself, unfortunately.
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