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  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    It may be that in some time the ruling would try to implement its own planned economy, but the current western neo-liberal ruling class has, as Jeff Faux documents in his recent book "The Servant economy; where america's elite is sending the middle class", as to widespread agreement the near time goal to implement austerity and to increase exploitation. By this markets will be destroyed and a collapse is inevitable. But the point is that now with a rate of profit of the production process below the financial interest rate, central banks will lower their interests rate into the negative, 16 countries already have. This will lead to over-speculation, unstable banks etc.
  2. Paul Cockshott
    Broadly I agree with you, but we should be cautious, if we can not see a way out for capitalism that does not prove that there is not a way out we have not seen
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    In your book 'Towards a new socialism' you mention Marx's falling rate of profit and give empirical evidence. But i do not recall of which economic sector these graphs were representative. The rate of profit of the production process economy is crucial. Since machines constantly replace live labor in the production economy, the portion of live labor is in constant decline., and now near a historical low near 0%. 20 years ago it could have easily been said that Capital will survive a long time because of the new markets won through counter-revolution and computer/internet boom etc., but now China has been capitalising its markets and what markets are there to expand to now? In fact the rate of profit of the production process is further pressed down by an increased focus on productivity while austerity is killing the consumer goods markets. I don't see any way out for western capital.
  4. Paul Cockshott
    Look at 'Testing Marx, some new results from UK data'
  5. Positivist
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    My bad, it appears that links to the studies are already on the pages. Thanks anyway though!
  6. Positivist
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    Hey I have been checking out you "Reality" site and it is really impressive. I just finished reading "Competing Theories: Wrong or not even wrong?" and I saw that you cited that average output times correspond to equal prices 95% of the time. Would you mind directing me to this specific study? This is a very important discovery, and I would like to look into it more in-depthly. Thanks if you can in advance.
  7. Paul Cockshott
    I have not read Hillel saying it was not a mode of production. That seems to be to be a statement more of the poverty of the conceptualisation of the person saying it than a helpful description of the USSR.
    Yes I have read Bordiga and Bettlehiem, and whilst I found Bordigas book on the USSR intelligent and interesting, I would not describe the USSR in its classic period - say the 1960s as being state capitalist. China in the early 21st century, that I would say was a type of state capitalism.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
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    What do you think of Hillel Ticktin's characterization of the Soviet Union as a "non-mode of production". As I understand it, you are a Marxist with a Maoist background but has read a great deal of left-communist writers (ex. Bordiga), correct? Do you, therefore, characterize the Soviet Union as "state capitalist"?
  9. Paul Cockshott
    By direct democracy ensuring that representative bodies have a composition corresponding to the country as a whole.
  10. View Conversation
    How is this to be prevented in future projects?
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