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The Idler
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  1. Zoroaster
    View Conversation
    It looks good. Daniel De Leon is a personal hero of mine.
  2. Zoroaster
    View Conversation
    So I was looking for some works of Daniel De Leon yesterday, and a book came up called "Revolutionary Socialism in U. S. Congress: Parliamentary Idiocy vs Marxian Socialism". What is it about, and is it any good?
  3. Q
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    Indeed. Quite an improvement
  4. And if I'm debating a member of the SPGB, I am going to mention their rotten record (or rather lack of a record) on issues of gay and womens' liberation. And I'm not going to sugar-coat it.

    Finally, you misunderstand why I have "given up". I don't think robbo has responded to my argument at all - particularly the sources I have cited - so I'm under no obligation to further entertain his fantasies about a "socialist family" and the "good Menshevik" Martov. And since I quite frankly find the exchange tedious and boring, I'm out.
  5. I appreciate the sentiment, but you don't seem to have understood my "giving up". First of all, I am not "pissed off". If I were genuinely angry I wouldn't post about it on RevLeft, I would go take a walk, go to the gym, summarily shoot some Eser sailors, things like that.

    And obviously if the differences are political, they can't be personal. Good grief, I don't know who you lot are. For all I know you are the nicest person in existence and robbo is a squirrel strangler. Or vice versa. It doesn't matter any way - my criticism has always been criticism of SPGB politics (and the politics of SPGB members that doesn't quite add up with the explicit position of the SPGB, such as the old "Russia wasn't ready for socialism" line when the SPGB proclaimed that the world was ready for socialism in 1904). What else am I supposed to do? If I'm debating a member of the USec, I'm not going to pass over their support for Khomeini or the Forest Brothers.
  6. Hit The North
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    Why not, it is interesting.
  7. QueerVanguard
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    Yes. I think they should have explicitly stated that they are opposed to discrimination against the LGBTQ community and they should have mentioned the immense role patriarchy and white supremacism have in global capitalism. The fact they didn't speaks volumes about where their priorities are -- namely being elected through opportunistic populism.
  8. Sea
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    I only get them when I'm wrong about something. That's what's wrong with your likes.
  9. View Conversation
    The group I'm part of is a Bakuninist organisation. I would argue it has some Maoist leanings, but I might be in a minority. The most obvious ultraleft-Maoist organisation is the French Proletarian Left group from the 60s/70s that Sartre and de Beauvoir were linked to.
  10. View Conversation
    I'm a Bakuninist with ultraleft-Maoist sympathies.
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