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  1. I did watch the documentary - I found it odd that they spent so much time discussing events/people that were merely tangential to his life - but it was interesting and entertaining none the less. He came across as a really solid individual, who never let disillusionment get to him, and kept a positive outlook on life and the revolutionary movement. Not sure if there is any other approach to take, at least for those of use who hope to stay active for a long time.

    Again, thanks for the info. I won't be ordering books for a while, will probably have to wait till I get some disposable funds around Christmas, but will take your advice and go for some of Mandel's shorter works. Both due to your suggestion and because reading an 800 economic tomb seems daunting.
  2. Thanks for the info Blake. I'm planning on placing a large book order at some point when I can scrounge together some money, and will be including some mandel, so I appreciate the suggestions. I don't have much to get up to today, so I'll also be checking out the documentary on him.
  3. I was looking through an old thread on Ernest Mandel and you had mentioned that you were familiar with some of his work, I believe you even said you considered yourself somewhat of a Mandelite. I'm putting together a list of books that I'm looking to get and want to add some Mandel to it. Have any suggestions? Should I go with his seminal work on economics (despite the fact it's 800 pages) or are some of his smaller introductory texts worth reading and maybe a better bet?
  4. Tim Redd
    I think I should have the closing post since I posed the OP.
  5. Tim Redd
    Blake, do you think what's happening in the thread " Justice for Michael Brown – Justice for us All -" is OK.? Not all viewpoints are about facilitating revolutionary struggle. Many are ad hominen attacks that have noting to do with the OP agitating around the police murder of Michael Brown..
  6. Slavoj Zizek's Balls
    View Conversation
    Ok, sheesh it was just on the off chance you knew...
  7. Slavoj Zizek's Balls
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    Which translation should I buy? I'm confused because apparently the Penguin edition (by Knight) isn't as good as the one by Wernham.
  8. Slavoj Zizek's Balls
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    What can you share about it?
  9. Slavoj Zizek's Balls
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    You're interested in poetry. What do you know about "Les Chants de Maldoror"?
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    View Conversation
    Thanks for that damn link!
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