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About Marxismliveson

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Date of Birth
August 29, 1986 (37)
Revolution! Political History! Current Affairs! Music!

"it is then, at the end, that we see the profound tragedy that circumscribes the life of the proletariat the world over" Ernesto 'Che' Guevara 1952
"The proletariats have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!" Karl Marx 'The Communist Manifesto'
I live my life by these two quotes.
Marx made me a Marxist, Guevara made me an internationalist, a biographical documentary about Stalin made me a Leninist (weird), what does that make me now? An International Marxist-Leninst, although I am quite Anarchaic, Anarcho-Revolutionary-International-Marxist-Leninist, or maybe a Bolshevik? Communist? If their is one thing I know, that is I am a left-wing Libertarian (in the proper sense of the word), not any of these election-buying Americans who say they "love" liberty, when really they aren't that democratic. ELECTIONS does not equal DEMOCRACY. "Democracy is government of the people, for the people, by the people" A. Licoln (remember that?) OK, I believe in true democracy, 1 leader, a leader of the people. REVOLTUTION!


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31st December 2003 16:43
22nd July 2003