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  1. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
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    Ice axes!
  2. Durruti's friend
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    Dođe mi da se ubijem kad vidim onu ekipu što skuplja potpise protiv gej-brakova, a još više kad znam da su u dva dana skupili oko 100.000 potpisa. Imam se potrebu izjadati nekome, a to mogu učiniti samo ovdje...
  3. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    And yea I tend to agree, not all critiques of identity politics are racist. JMP posted a critique of identity politics recently on his blog and even though I don't agree with all of it I still wouldn't say it's racist. It is racist, to say that the Trayor Martin shooting wasn't racist and it's sexist to accuse the SWP of being "too femminist" during the rape scandel.
  4. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Pardon me for not responding to your message, I got it when I was a bit busy and I tend to forget about things if I don't respond right away, but I promise I'll be better in the future :P

    Anyway yea, I actually wrote an entire rant about the SEP

    I posted it on reddit/socialism because alot of SEP filth post their garbage there and I got a bunch of quasi-racist responses. My favorite was "no black man has ever been killed for being black". O rly nao? mister red klansmen. I hate those filth, they always downvote every article about racism because they don't fit into their narrative.
  5. TheEmancipator
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    All the more reason why he shouldn't be calling NK a socialist state, it would have been nice for him to elaborate on what aspects of socialism NK has adopted (and subsequently dropped). He didn't. He accused me of bourgeois propaganda. Unlike the poster who was restricted he didn't even justify his claims.

    How about the proletariat, who might just take capitalism over a militarist regime, don't you think?
  6. TheEmancipator
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    When did I try to force support for any liberals? When did I even mention liberals?

    And now you are backtracking on your views that North Korea is a workers'/socialist state, good. Why exactly is its support glorified then? Why is some deluded chap stating that North Korea is a socialist state restricted yet moderators whose organisations send letters to "Comrade Dear Leader" and glorify North Korea as a socialist state not restricted. The moderator on the North Korea thread quite explicitly showed support for that particularly line and refused to provided sources or argue reasonably. For that he should receive the same punishment as the other user.
  7. TheEmancipator
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    If you revisit the DPR Korea thread, you'll see that the first person to call North Korea a socialist state was restricted. Why should he be restricted and not other North Korea supporters?

    I won't waste my time responding to the usual Stalinist drivel that surrounds your fundamental claim that NK is a socialist state. I do not want you or anybody else banned or restricted, I want consistency.
  8. TheEmancipator
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    Jucheism is not a workers', a Marxist or a leftist ideology. People on here get banned for far less than being a Jucheist. And the official moderator policy is to restrict Jucheists. Why hasn't this been put into effect?

    And my "crusade" on Jucheism is because the support of it by certain members really undermines the credibility of many revolutionaries on here. I do not want the revolutionary left to be associated with sympathisers of a xenophobic, militarist dictatorship than doesn't even ercognise Marxism or any kind of Marxist theory anymore.

    You're welcome to argue in what way North Korea is a socialist or workers' state.
  9. evermilion
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    I guess in reality I lean toward an orthodox Leninist understanding of things, but I can't even call myself that. I'm a "Jucheist" in that I'm interested in what role mythology and revisionism actually play in the real-world endeavor towards socialist revolution. I'd go so far as to say I'm not sure north Korea would be as resilient as it is in light of the problems it's face if it weren't for the national religion of Juche. How right I am remains to be seen.
  10. Slavoj Zizek's Balls
    I'll get back to you later Semendyaev. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
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