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  1. The Garbage Disposal Unit
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    1. A trip to Memphis? That sounds rad. I'm excited to hear what you come back from it with in terms of ideas, inspiration, etc.
    2. Yeah, I totally appreciate Ervin's super straight forward style. I really like his comments on "Refusing the syndicalist v. primitivist debate" as a hilarious no-fucks-given to theoretical cock-size contests.
    3. In terms of recommended reads, what themes are you looking for? I'm in the process of putting together a small distro - maybe you can give me some pointed questions and it will help me figure out what I need to stock.
  2. The Garbage Disposal Unit
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    Hey! I have questions for you and want to reply but am hella busy - new 9-5 dishwashing job, etc. Next couple days, though!
  3. The Garbage Disposal Unit
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    It just seems like such a bizarre blindspot some times. It's like, you get gender, you get race, etc., and yet when a body constitutes itself nationally - ie in such a way as to actually confront imperial/colonial power - the left gets freaked the fuck out. At the same time, you look at the thread, nobody will actually come out and say: "Fuck the BPP" or "Fuck Palestine" or "Fuck Oka" or whatever, because that's known to be un-PC. It's like, come out and say it, or step back and reassess!
  4. The Garbage Disposal Unit
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    I'm not particularly familiar, but it seems, to me, to have very appealing politics. I've generally liked Lorenzo Ervin's writing. I take it this is vis-a-vis the Nationalism thread?
  5. bcbm
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    cool, glad somebody gets something outta my ramblings :-)
  6. MarxArchist
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    Na, not what I was talking about. I was referring to certain theory/practice that ends up taking the focus off socialism and putting the focus on struggle concerning 1,000 various issues with the goal of fighting for socialism being put on the back burner.
  7. MarxArchist
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    I'm not not big on centralization either as a strategy to organize the economy or to fight counterrevolution (post revolution) hence the name "Marxarchist". What's more important is what we think we should be doing now and I fall into the camp that's against fragmentation of struggle in a post Marxist or "new left" type perversion. People like Baudrillard, Mouffe, Laclau, Deleuze, Marcuse etc have failed. Basically the line of thought that came out of the the 1960's intelligentsia is garbage and we need to stop organizing along those defeatist and idealist principles.
  8. View Conversation
    Yup, plus E-40.
  9. Let's Get Free
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    That's cool. What was your tweet?
  10. View Conversation
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Long Island,New York
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Black Autonomy Federation

"You can have all my shine I'll give you the lighttt"


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  1. Terminator X

    Terminator X

    black steel n da hour of chaos

  2. The Garbage Disposal Unit

    The Garbage Disposal Unit

    Proliferatin' The Commune

  3. The Jay

    The Jay

    Live Long, and Share Capital

  4. TheRedAnarchist23
  5. Thirsty Crow

    Thirsty Crow

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