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  1. Anti-Traditional
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    Edit: I know the bit about Humanist ethic is Sartre, but I question the rest of the quote
  2. Anti-Traditional
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    '(although it rejects the concept of the libertarian-authoritarian dichotomy), and situates itself close to both left-communism and class-analysis anarchism. It is opposed to Marxist-Leninism ("Stalinism") and it's post-Stalin derivatives (Maoism, Titoism, etc) and considers the Soviet Union to have been state capitalist. It presses for grassroots revolutionary action in industrialized nations and believes in the illegitimacy of bourgeois morality as a determinist power structure and argues for its replacement by a humanist ethic. It is supportive of militant labor unions and red unionism.'

    Hi Comrade, Ive joined the Existentialist Marxism group because I've become interested in Sartre and I liked the description you gave however I'm wondering if the above text is actually Sartre's view or is it your own? BTW I agree with the above
  3. Ismail
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    I've read Pleshakov's There Is No Freedom Without Bread! which wasn't bad.
  4. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    I had some criticism of the ending. Maybe we could discuss it when you get to reading it?
  5. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Have you read Sartre's novel L'engrenage(I believe the English title is in the mesh)?
    I was wondering what you thought about its ending.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
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    I'll PM you some stuff
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
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    From what I have read of your posts, it seems like you probably like left communism (whether Bordigist or not). I can give you some information and writings to look into, and I would suggest contacting Blake's Baby, Caj, GourmetPez, and Leo for information on Left Communism.
  8. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
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    Hey I saw that thread where you said you needed some tendency help. I want to give you some info but I need to go to bed soon so can you just message me back so I remember to help you tommorow?
  9. thriller
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    Yeah it is nice to have candidates to run for the working class, but I found the internal structure and over-all end goal to be social-democratic at best (the SPUSA, that is). I found trying to make any lasting change or impact was negated by reformists. That being said (or typed?), I did meet and eventually network with many revolutionaries of all stripes. It helped grow my base of information, tactics, and ideas, partly because of the multi-tendency "policy" IMHO.
  10. thriller
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    Maybe you get this a lot, so sorry. But... may I ask your reasons for being a supporter of the DSA and SPUSA? I used to be really active in the SP and I'm curious on peoples views on it.
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