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  1. Positivist
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    Really? What? Some freedom of information we have in the US! I knew their were US military bases in Africa but only under the vague guise of "aid missions." That is quite interesting indeed. So they're carrying out combat missions?
  2. Khalid
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    These chauvinist "peace-securing" unions are only trying to maintain the social peace in the West while fucking up the rest of the world. Peace in the Europe means nothing to me, if imperialism is destroying millions of lives somewhere else. Eurocentrism is not helping the revolution.
  3. Khalid
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    Transnational and international organizations are needed and the workers of the Europe should unite. But the EU is not a healthy basis for working class unity. It is only uniting the European capitalists while turning European workers against each other with this populist anti-EU nationalism. And the EU itself is an imperialist, racist and chauvunist organization that is used to oppress the third world workers.

    If we are not for destroying the EU, then what are we for? We can't simply transform a capitalist state into socialism. Capitalist state must be destroyed so that the workers can build a new socialist state. Same goes for the imperialist EU. If we support the EU, then we must also support our capitalist states and parliaments. That is the path of opportunism and social democracy.
  4. Positivist
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    Wow that's crazy, and what's even more crazy is that it is ignored by major American news sources for the most part. The only time I ever really hear about India from the media is that they're a rising capitalist superstars or that one of their billionaires made a new play thing.
  5. Positivist
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    Hey I saw you say something about the Indian communists controlling 1/3 of India. I haven't heard about this, could you tell me more or direct me to a link?
  6. Geiseric
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    Hey comrade, saw your post on Perminant Revolutionary's profile about world revolution, and if I could answer it, I would say that once a revolution happens, borders become less and less important to the revolutionary masses and they start to want to emulate the successful revolution, as we've seen through history with both bourgeois and workers revolutions, instances in 1848, 1917, and the bourgeois revolutions in the late 18th centuries all had international scopes, so world revolution is more of a historical necessity for the survival of a revolution, not just a utopian fantasy.
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
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    I'll get back to you on your pm. I don't have a lot of time to respond right now
  8. Die Neue Zeit
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    Edit: Indeed, but we're talking about Positivist's new usergroup.
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Bordiga was against Stalinism for many reasons, but never went into the whole "morality" of what Stalin did, but rather Stalin's policies that existed within the material conditions that existed in Russia. I will send you a PM about this where I will quote Bordiga at length on this.
  10. Die Neue Zeit
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    The First World obviously calls for the DOTP.
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About Workers-Control-Over-Prod

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Santa Cruz, California
Revolutionary Politics, Economics, Anti-Capitalism, History, Anti-Secterianism
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I am a Marxist Propagandist of communist or rather marxist, ideas for the Overthrow of Western Imperialism and global Capitalism, to be replaced with workers' control Socialism to Communism (depending on if we still have a planet or human race to bring world wide socialism). At this stage in history and dire condition of our planet and human race, a supporter of any rational parties with a chance of implementing a rational energy and environmental policy through parliamentary means, although i think that capitalism does not have this capability. For the Communist Party, the organisation of the the most conscious workers, the revolutionary Vanguard of the Proletariat; for the arming of the working class and strict Class theorist Socialist institutionalisation. Revolutionary "political" centralisation but economic democratisation. Socialism is the struggle for communism; an international CLASSless, State-less, money-less, and egalitarian society with the implementations of "Each according to his ability, each according to his needs" ONLY in which the age old exploitation of man by man can be abolished.
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
Organisation Contact Details

"It is necessary for Communists to enter into contradiction with the consciousness of the masses. . . The problem with these Transitional programs and transitional demands, which don't enter into any contradiction with the consciousness of the masses, or try to trick the masses into entering into the class struggle, create soviets - [is that] it winds up as common-or-garden reformism or economism." - Mike Macnair, on the necessity of the Minimum and Maximum communist party Program.

"You're lucky. You have a faith. Even if it's only Karl Marx" - Richard Burton


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    Partisan Bandit

  2. 7868686768768979877
  3. Agent Ducky

    Agent Ducky

    Abuser of Checkered Duct Tape

  4. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  5. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

  6. Bala Perdida

    Bala Perdida

    Darling I'll be gone

  7. BAMslam15


    Democratic Socialist bro

  8. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

    Radical Burger Flipper

  9. ckaihatsu


    Marxist - vanguardist

  10. Crimson Commissar

    Crimson Commissar

    The Soviet of the West

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