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    What are the contemporary economics theories taught to economics students? Recommend a book.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Ja ja, das ist ganz klar. Die medien werden zensiert, wenn da die journalisten nur ein wort über den eigentlichen grund dieser Euro krise erzählen... ab die psot, sofort gefeuert, ohne schmarrn.
    Im grunde ist es recht einfach zu erklären wieso die Eurozone zerbricht: Der Euro ist eine Wärungsunion hat aber keine zentralisierte fiskal und lohn politik. Die deutsche Bourgeoisie stagniert die arbeiterloehne während der res Europas (speziell SüdEuropa) das nicht tun. Nun hat D. eine VIEL viel niedrigere inflation als der rest der EU, und dazu noch eben die währungsunion die die südlichen länder ihren eigenen wechsel kurs nicht bestimmen kann.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Wie schätzt du die situation in deiner region deutschlands ein? In Bayern geht's den meisten Menschen noch recht gut, und die sachen wie Occupy und Griechenland gehen an den meisten menschen vorbei; aber ich glaub schon dass der "glaube" an dem kapitalismus seinen grund unter den füßen verliert. Das es so nicht mehr weiter gehen kann merken viele leute unbewusst sehr wohl glaub ich... was meinst du, merkst du was?
  4. hatzel
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    I do my best! It just so happens that back in my student days I (for some strange reason) ended up writing an essay on theories of state power in State and Revolution and ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah (wtf?). As luck would have it that essay has now vanished into the annals of time, but as I had criticised that exact quote, I just thought I'd regurgitate some of the stuff I'd written way back when. Yeah, faux spontaneity there, but it was all already planned...

    The issue of alienation in the face of the state - particularly the liberal state - is really where Stirner starts to come into his own, I'd say. I don't think his is an analysis which concerns itself excessively with the actual nature and organisation of the state, whether this or that institution is worthy of the name 'state,' as is arguably typical on the left; he's much more concerned with its function. There are certainly a few problems with his ideas, but I think that the basic framework is pretty strong.
  5. Grenzer
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    I was going to get Permanent revolution soon too, along with The Revolution Betrayed. Surprised to hear you branching into Trotsky. I've heard a lot of the dialecticians among us recommend Ollman, but it's very low on my list of priorities(probably have about $1,000 worth of other books I'd prefer to buy first).

    I'm a huge fan of theory as well, I've got a treat for you..
  6. Grenzer
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    It seems there is one collection of Daniel De Leon's writings available in physical format.

    Interesting, he was a founding member of the IWW. The IWW was originally just a revolutionary syndicalist organization, but by 1910 it had been captured by anarcho-syndicalists and added the anti-political clause. From that point on, De Leon became a fierce critic of the IWW.
  7. Grenzer
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    Scarletghoul is the worst tankie on the whole forum. I was hoping he wouldn't come back, as the pro-Gaddafi people finally seemed to have ridden off into the sunset for good.

    I love how people like to pretend that the DPRK is some bastion of "anti-imperialism" when it fucks over its people on a golden platter to Chinese and Russian corporations.. imperialism in short. Personally I think most of them are just tankies that secretly admire the Kim dynasty.
  8. Grenzer
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    There are also a lot of Stalinists and some Trotskyists that have a real hard on for ethnic nationalism.


    Racism is a problem, but it seems like the best solution is to work towards getting rid of it, not further divide the working class and strengthen the bourgeoisie by encouraging pointless nationalism and racialism. Of course they'll try to say that the only way racism can be eliminated is by racialist republics. Ignoring how flawed that is.. then why don't these same people advocate ending sexism by establishing worker's republics specifically for men and for women?
  9. Grenzer
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    Under limited circumstances, National Liberation can indeed be used as a tool of the proletariat. The problem is, in virtually all places where National Liberation struggles have occurred, it's been in places that are under-industrialized and have virtually no proletariat. As a result, it's only the bourgeoisie that can benefit in such situations.

    What I have a problem with is how some Stalinists/Trotskyists turn it into a moral principle, rather than something based in class analysis..

    Take the situation in Mali, where you have Islamic extremists collaborating with Tuareg rebels in a struggle to form their own nation. There is absolutely nothing progressive about that at all, and the hypothetical success of the rebels, if anything, is just going to roll back the status of women and other freedoms with the domination of Sharia law.
  10. NewLeft
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    reppin roflmao
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