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  1. dodger

    If a person’s principle means of livelihood depends on selling labour power then he or she is a worker. It matters not whether that remuneration is called a wage or a salary or comes in the form of benefits, or is paid weekly or monthly.

    This does not mean every member of the working class lives virtually an identical life to all other workers. The working class is stratified according to economic, cultural and social factors, just as the capitalist class has its millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires.

    It isn’t the size of the personal wealth that defines them as capitalists, it is their relation to capital; they own it.

    Link above to read entire article
  2. dodger
    The Great Breakthrough - Soviet Planning versus Capitalism

    CPBML Public Meeting, Wednesday 25 November, 7.30pm

    Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

    Capitalism is wedded to the anarchy of the market. Socialism is about planning to meet the needs of people and nations – and in the past it has been spectacularly successful. Come and discuss how a planned approach can help rebuild Britain. All welcome.
  3. dodger

    As for Jeremy Corbyn, he will either compromise to the point where he is totally compromised or the political assassins, probably from his own side of the House, will dispatch him. Either way, the British working class will not have advanced one iota by his election.

    Read full article via link above:
  4. LeninistIthink
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    So the difference is that Brar and co and is linked to imperialism????
  5. dodger
    EU referendum: first moves

    13 SEPTEMBER 2015

    A referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU will happen within the next couple of years. It was promised in the Conservative election manifesto and Prime Minster Cameron has said it will take place by the end of 2017. The Labour Party initially said it would oppose a referendum unless there were plans for the EU to return powers to Britain. Now it has dropped that stance.

    To read in full--follow above link.
  6. LeninistIthink
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    Hello comrade, what are the differences between CPBML and CPGB-ML, is one more pro hoxha or something???
  7. dodger

    EU migration shambles and the drive to war

    9 SEPTEMBER 2015

    What’s behind the misnamed “migrant crisis” and what does it say about the European Union? This is not something new. We have to look at how it started to understand what’s going on and what British workers should do.

    Capitalism is waging war against workers worldwide to wreck countries and uproot their peoples. The NATO powers, especially Britain and the USA, instigated the “Arab spring” risings across the Middle East and North Africa. The NATO powers attacked Iraq and Libya as well as fuelling the war in Syria. The EU has backed all NATO’s wars of aggression. That’s the main reason for the huge number of migrants on the move.
    Link above--read article in full.
  8. dodger

    When Britain leaves the EU

    CPBML public meetings
    Tuesday 22 September 2015 19:30
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    Brockway Hall, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
    Over the past 70 years, Britain’s ruling class, supported by parliamentary parties of all hues, have sought to enmesh Britain in the European Union.

    Their vision of Europe is one of backwardness and the dead ideas of the “freedoms” of capitalism – the freedom to exploit, the freedom to oppress, and the freedom to move capital and labour as they wish.

    With the euro in meltdown, come and discuss why Britain can only thrive outside the EU, and what Britain needs to do to retain its integrity, sovereignty and unity as an island of labour. All welcome.
  9. dodger

    The corporative fantasy so beloved of Labour and Trots....even Greece has not rubbed the gilt off.
  10. dodger
    This review is from: On Socialism: Selections from Writings of Karl Marx, Frederick Ngels, V.I. Lenin, J.V. Stalin, Mao Zedong (Paperback)
    This is an invaluable collection of Marxist classics, a fine introduction to socialism. The editor, Irfan Habib, is Professor Emeritus of History at the Aligarh Muslim University.

    He notes in his Preface that “full-fledged socialist economies were established in many countries, including the territorially largest (the Soviet Union) and the most populous (China) in the world. J. V. Stalin (1879-1953) and Mao Zedong (1893-1976) respectively presided over the building of socialism in the Soviet Union and China, and contributed much to the actual shaping of socialist society in real life. In that real world, socialism brought emancipation, land, livelihood, education to workers, peasants and women, in the most backward regions of the world
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retired tube driver
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a political system based on the british blood donor system...entirely voluntary...all can see benefit and claim such...according to need.

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