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  1. dodger
  2. dodger
    The Budget
    The working class should not become dependent on parliament graciously granting what politicians determine to be satisfactory pay. Workers need to accept responsibility for their own wages and fight for them on their own behalf.

    Let politicians, no matter which party they represent, announce whatever fiscal measures they wish; it is up to workers to decide on what they require and then galvanise their trade unions to pursue those ends by whatever means they deem are appropriate.

    This is the difference between being passive recipients of grudging largesse at best in seeming competition with other workers, or acting as a class with the common interest being the welfare of all.
    Read the full article via link:
  3. dodger

    Before the cremation, many of the people from Paquibato district wept as they bade goodbye to Pitao, whom they consider as “a hero and defender of the poor and of the oppressed.”

    “Many more Paragos will rise; thank you, thank you, thank you very much, comrade,” a woman in her 40s said while wiping the glass cover of Pitao’s coffin with her hand.

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  4. dodger

    DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Thousands of sympathizers from different parts of Mindanao joined the funeral march here for slain New People's Army (NPA) commander Leonardo Pitao alias Kumander Parago on Friday, July 10.

    "This is a classic people's burial."

    Ocampo said the turnout at the funeral on Friday "simply belies the claim of the military that his death weakens the revolution. This shows how people love Ka Parago, he is their leader, and we expect more to join [the movement] after his death."

    Forty-five buses and 15 dump trucks filled with people escorted the marchers.
  5. dodger
    Tube workers picketing at Northumberland Park, North London. The strike, involving four unions, is Aslef's first in ten years. Photo: Workers
    Members of Aslef and RMT picketing on 9 July told why they were on strike.
  6. dodger
  7. dodger

    With the recent electoral success of the SNP and the forthcoming referendum on EU membership, nationalism has become an vital topic. There are those who regard nationalism as being irredeemably reactionary and contrary to socialism.

    This is a misrepresentation based on a presumption that nationalism has but a single manifestation. Indeed, the nationalism of parties such as the SNP is certainly reactionary, being a political trend representing the interests of capital against those of the working class.

    Such nationalist parties may espouse a social democratic rhetoric, such as the “anti- austerity” posturing of the SNP. In power, however, they prove themselves no different to the other parliamentary parties, pursuing policies, such as the sale of Scottish Rail, in line with avowedly capitalist parties, such as the Tories they claim to despise.

    link above to read full article
  8. dodger
    John King: The left wing case for leaving the EU
    Supporters of the EU sneer “Little Englander” at those with a different opinion, but most of the arguments against membership are left-leaning and liberal.
    Both parties offered referendums on Britain leaving the EU – Ukip powerfully, the Tories reluctantly. It is not hard to work out why they did so well, yet there is still little acknowledgement of this fact from the establishment. An arrogant refusal to listen to the public has left Labour and the Liberal Democrats in tatters. Nick Clegg could moan about “identity” politics in the election’s aftermath, but this matters to the majority of people.
  9. dodger
    He concludes, “TTIP would have a negative effect on the EU. We find that a large expansion of the volume of trade in TTIP countries is compatible with a net reduction of trade-related revenues for the EU. This would lead to net losses in terms of GDP and employment.”
  10. dodger
    I attach a research study in which Jeromin Capaldo assesses the EU’s TTIP using the UN Global Policy Model. He sums up, “We project that TTIP will lead to a contraction of GDP, personal incomes and employment. We also project an increase in financial instability and a continuing downward trend in the labour share of GDP.” It would affect the whole economy, not just services.

    There would be losses in net exports, labour incomes, jobs (600,000 across the EU), labour share (in Britain, an extra 7 per cent from wages and salaries to profit) and in government revenue (increasing government debt as a percentage of GDP in every EU country). With the losses of export revenues, wages share and government revenues, profits could only be sustained by growing asset prices, requiring ever-increasing levels of lending.

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retired tube driver
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a political system based on the british blood donor system...entirely voluntary...all can see benefit and claim such...according to need.

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