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    So, I concluded, that there is a natural human tendency towards altruism, that egoism is nurtured in the capitalist system, and that socialism does not fail because of human nature.

    I searched for documents on the USSR, to understand what had made it degenerate, through these documents I realised how opressive the Bolshevik state was and how it practically stopped people from acheiving socialism.
    I begun to think, "why would a socialist state stop people from achieving the stateless society", but I already knew the answer.
    A state is an opressive organ, and it does not behave like the socialists think it does, they think it is an organ of class opression, that it is a weapon to use against the enemies of the proletariat, but I know better, It can only opress the working class.

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    "you can't demonstrate this"

    I can, this will probably be a long one, so get ready.

    We know from history that all socialist revolutions have ended up degenerating, this might lead one to believe that socialist thoery is wrong and will never work, one might think even, that human nature does not support socialism and thus it fails, but one has to search deeper for the answer.
    I have spent many hours of idle time thinking about human nature.
    I wondered, "I have heard that humans are selfish, yet through my studies I have realised this is not the case.", I knew the reason for egoism was survival, there was a part of us, a survival instinct, it makes us be selfish so that we may survive.
    Then I begun wondering why altruism even existed, I analysed society at large and realized that, without altruism humans would have been extinct by now.

    You might be wondering "How is this relative to the subject of degeneration of socialist revolutions!?", you will see.

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    "For all we know, the crushing of the Russian Revolution by foreign capitalist nations could have weakened the international socialist movement through discouragement. In fact, this scenario seems more likely to me."

    To me it seems more likely that it make revolutionists everywhere angry and they would want revenge, also it would draw attention towards socialism and curious people would have wanted to know what the "socialism" was, it would strenghthen them, because they knew the revolution could have been successfull if the capitalists hadn't interfered. Had they known it would fail even if the capitalist nations hadn't interfered would lead them to question socialism, and would make many lose hope, as happened historically.
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    "We also need to be able to crush the resistance of the class enemy."

    That does not have to do with the subject of no being bribed.

    "I think it's kind of far-fetched to think proletarian revolutions would have occurred had the Russian Revolution been crushed by foreign capitalist powers. Both international class consciousness and class will were too lacking for such a scenario."

    They failed to crush the revolution in Russia, it then degenerated, many people were hopefull of this socialist revolution, but as they saw what the revolution had become they lost hope.
    Then the fascists begun to rise.

    If the revolution had been destroyed leftists would have gotten really angry, angry enough to spread the ideology to every person known and to act against the state, this would have led either to revolution springing up in other places, or to the rise of fascism.
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    "You also said that "he will join the workforce, since he has no choice[,]" as if it's an impossibility for the petty bourgeoisie to engage in counter-revolution."

    He will join the workforce if he cannot resume his activities, but if he is more anti-socialist than usual (most lower bourgeosie are not) he might join the counter-revolution.
    I don't think many of people bellonging to the bourgeosie are going to join the counter-revolution, they are not fighters, what they might do is send monetary support, the lower bourgeosie cannot do this.

    "Then I guess capitalism is here to stay, since the capitalists are invincible. "

    Invincible in their own system, a system that will go on until no one accepts money, that being said we need as many people educated to our ideologies as possible, something that is impossible to achieve since many socialists don't talk about politics.
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    "Just everyday administrative decision-making would render direct democracy with over 7 billion people incredibly impractical."

    Indeed it would, that is why the territory has to be divided in communities, it would be stupid to put the population of the world diciding who in a specific community would do what job.

    "Why are you so dogmatically opposed to any decision-making mechanism apart from direct democracy?"

    Other decision-making methods are unnatural and opressive, they are unnatural because naturally humans only make decisions through direct democracy.

    "This makes literally no sense whatsoever."

    It makes sence, you are just not understanding it.
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    "but due to individual and, by extension, class egoism."

    Egoism is derivate from survival instinct.

    "What do you mean the current system is "unnatural"? I suppose if you want what's "natural," you'd opt for a return to the primitivism of hunter-gatherer foraging societies; however, that would require the extermination of around 90 per cent of the human population, which certainly isn't compatible with your alleged humanism."

    I am an anarchist, but I am not a primitivist, technology can improve life, technology is not unnatural to humanity, but the capitalist system is.
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    "It's not due to "the survival instinct," which reeks of more biological determinism, but due to individual and, by extension, class egoism."

    Survival instinct is another guide, like morality, but this one tends to the interests of the individual when he is in a survival situation, and it also acts up when one is in a position of power, it makes it so this person will want to remain in this position of power for as long as possible, since it improves his chances of survival, this is the reason why the eternal play continues.
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    "It's not due to "the survival instinct," which reeks of more biological determinism, but due to individual and, by extension, class egoism."

    Survival instinct is another guide, like morality, but this one tends to the interests of the individual when he is in a survival situation, and it also acts up when one is in a position of power, it makes it so this person will want to remain in this position of power for as long as possible, since it improves his chances of survival, this is the reason why the eternal play continues.
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    The system we live in today is an invention, created so some people could have fun playing at societies, but somehow it got out of control, and now we live in this invention, this eternal play.
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About Caj

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I am a communist whose main influences include Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Stirner, and Bordiga.
Labor-Power Salesman, Professional (Armchair) Revolutionary

"All immediatists [. . .] want to get rid of society and put in its place a particular group of workers. This group they choose from the confines of one of the various prisons which constitute the bourgeois society of 'free men' i.e. the factory, the trade, the territorial or legal patch. Their entire miserable effort consists in telling the non-free, the non-citizens, the non-individuals [. . .] to envy and imitate their oppressors: be independent! free! be citizens! people! In a word: be bourgeois!" -Amadeo Bordiga, "Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism"


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