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  1. Weezer
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  2. danyboy27
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    Love your posts in the Quebec nationalist thread, too bad i cant thank them.
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    You make that sound like an insult, zionism is the jewish people trying to survive until communism; all states needed to abolished but Israel should be the last one to survive.
  4. Ocean Seal
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    Hey Nox are you formerly Dzhugashvili or was the person quoting you in the Why communism is the future thread merely making a mistake?
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    tbh I didn't even look at the videos, I just clicked ans saw "Albanian this or that" and figured fuck it...

    It is late here, almost 2am...I'm going to bed.
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    See, now you're just pushing buttons.

    This is like a Palestinian and Israeli arguing. Neither side is going to budge.
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    They can stay for all I care, there is plenty of room, and always was. However the land they stole from the people must be returned.
    I can't tell you what will happen for sure, all I can tell you that the Serbs will take military action in Kosovo. Whether we want it to happen or not, I would prefer a non-violent solution. However we are not giving up our claim to Kosovo.
    The Kosovo government, military, and police are criminals and should be put to the wall. I am not going to argue further with you. There will be war though, be it in 5 days, or in 5 years. There will be a war, because the people want it. The Serb people, however much they claim they do not want war, are like all people in the Balkans, extremely spiteful and vengeful and will fight. I know because I live here, I know the situation and the sentiment here.

    Lets end this because this is not going to get anywhere, nothing you say will change my mind, and nothing I say will change yours. This is becoming a waste of time.
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    Sorry, but I'm telling you, you will see. These are the Balkans we are talking about. We can have war tomorrow. The second NATO leaves Kosovo, Serbs are coming. Weapons in hand. There is already talk of war here, I'm giving you news form the ground. There is talk of guerrilla insurgency, and all sorts of things.

    Ideally no states should exist, however I am not going to support land thieves, organ harvesters, mujaheddin terrorists, and generally all around assholes to steal our land. Until there are no borders, then we will have problems.

    Do you know how many Serbs they cleansed from those lands? How many Gypsies too? With the help of the EU, NATO, and UN. They are a bunch of savages.

    Kosovo will either be part of Serbia, or be burned to the ground. Whichever comes first.
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    Like it or not it will be under Serb control again. We cannot move forward until we stop the making of illegal terror states. That the UN resolution never called for. The state is a narco-state, all Afghan heroin comes through Kosovo and into Europe.

    The Serbian people in general want revenge, and I don't blame them one bit. If someone came into my home and kicked me out, I'd sooner burn the house to the ground than let them stay there.

    Kosovo is a historical part of Serbia, it means a LOT more than simply some plot of land. It is the cultural epicenter of Serbia, other parts of Serbia are irrelevant, Kosovo is our ancestral home. there will be blood spilled over this, sooner or later. Sad to say, the Balkans won't see peace for a long time.
  10. ВАЛТЕР
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    Well, then you should be pro-Israel as well. Because it is the same situation here as there. Albanians show up, force Serbs out with terror tactics. Yugoslav Army shows up, Albanians cry to the US, US supports massive ethnic cleansing of the Serb population and tadaa a new state is formed.

    I don't like to discuss this issue, it upsets me very much. Kosovo will end up Serbian again, one way or another. The intervention of the west has set the road for a bloodbath in the future, especially with the recent shooting of Serb civilians by German occupiers. The barricades are up, Saturday is the official, "everyone on the barricades day" to face the NATO troops. We are stepping towards conflict, I don't want to see bloodshed, but I am not going to run from it either.
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