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  1. The Cheshire Cat
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    Many famous ex-politicians of left parties and of the CDA are now saying in the media that they would like to see a government without the VVD. But I do not think this is possible. But we will see and hope for a 'left' coalition who does some things right!
  2. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I can wake up, water the plants, go to the computer, play a while, and have lunch, while you are having classes."

    And you can make your homework in the morning before school, which seems really convenient to me. But when I drive home you are still filling your brains with crap you will never use again!

    "Average 6,4 hours per day."

    I think it is about the same here. I assume your classes will start at monday?

    "Check this out:

    I have signed with one of my aliases."

    I signed it too. With my full name, but I only realised it would be visible to every fascist in the world after I hit enter. But if they want, let them come! I have 5 baseball bats at home, so I am well prepared!
  3. The Cheshire Cat
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    "This school still uses the old system of 50 minute turns "

    We have this too, but we call it the new system. We used to have 45 minutes.

    "Are they mad! 2,50 hours in a class! I think that is illegal here. I hope they let you go to the bathroom in the middle of class."

    It is not a problem actually. I never had a problem with it at least. And if you ask wether you are allowed to go to the bathroom, they will usually say: "No, you just had your break in the previous hour." Explaining them that you can't make a planning for your peeing will not help. But if you really have to they will let you go because they don't want to clean everything. I guess you drink a lot in Portugal since you are so worried about going to the bathroom? I could imagine this because I think you would pass out if you don't drink enough.
  4. The Cheshire Cat
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    With Mongolia in my alliance, Far Asia will fall and I will focus on America. Canada will have been gained by Russia by that time, so I will be able to attack the USA from the north and go all the way to the south. After that, I could attack Africa, but it would soon result in a war against the Internationale, which is more powerful, so I will attack them in Eastern Europe first. Then Africa. I might be able to get the whole world, as it is only 1946! And I have until '63 I believe. If I hurry up, I will make it.
  5. The Cheshire Cat
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    Eastern Europe and the Northern Balkan and most of Africa is not totally socialist/syndicalist, the rest of the Balkan and the near East and Northern Asia is fascist. Canada, Sub-sahara Africa and Australia are liberal or something. Far Asia is a big mix. I am now in a war with Canada and Australia and Delhi, and Delhi has already fallen. Russia will take care of Canada and Australia. The Britisch socialists have set foot on south-indian soil and I will have to capture as much as ground around them so the don't expanse too much without causing a war, because I have left Eastern Europe nearly undefended. Luckily Poland has many many many troops in EE, so they will protect me.
  6. The Cheshire Cat
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    "Or as USA and Soviet Russia in regular scenario.
    Cold war might be fun."

    Then we would have to keep the USA together and make Russia Soviet. We are planning on playing kaiserreich online btw, but I am not sure yet wether that is possible, but we will see tomorrow. Also, with the Iron Guard I have made a fascist alliance with Russia, Poland, Turkestan and soon Mongolia. I personally have conquered so much my empire stretches from Swiss to India and from the border with Russia to the Arabian peninsula. It is about 2/3 of Russia, altough I have more provinces. And the German Empire has fallen and was conquered by the German Union, and many African countries have become independent.
  7. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I can imagine
    A game with a map......... ...... AWESOME!"

    Well, it was not quite like that... I showed him some save games from the CSA and he first thought it was boring. So I started all over again and let him play as the Netherlands. We became fascists and supported the fascists in the Spanisch revolution. We made a whole story around it and we were able to get troops on the Spanish mainland, resulting in a fascist victory. He thought is was great. And now he has bought it. We will play together tomorrow online. And he already knew total war, altough that is way less strategic.
  8. The Cheshire Cat
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    "That one is easy: if you don't work out of lazyness, then why would others work for you, and, if you won't work out of lazyness the others will see no reason to have you in the community, and they might kick you out."

    I think I said something like that but I can't remember.

    "The next thing you know you have an international organisation."

    That would be more like a federation of bands and gangs. I think it should be more structured, but still it should not have a hiëarchy. It will be hard to manage that, maybe like the anarchist militia's, every 'gang' chooses a captain who listens to his comrades what they want and then the captain should say that at some sort of central meeting, where the captains could vote about the best choices. I don't know, I should read something about it.
  9. The Cheshire Cat
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    "Unless it was a parlaiment building I don't understand why anyone would want do that."

    It was I believe the US embassy.

    "At least someone was being rational."

    Indeed. The RAF was sometimes a little bit optimistic and amateuristic.

    Land and Freedom is a very pro-anarchist movie, depicting the other parties as the bad guys. It was good too.
  10. The Cheshire Cat
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    ""The office of the neo-nazi gang Golden Dawn (as of recently also represented in parliament) in the central Athenian neighbourhood of Pagrati was set ablaze on August 13, with two small petrol tanks."

    This comes from:

    As you can see, the anti-fascists are here, they just don't get any attention."

    I have asked someone from Greece about the anarchist actions. I am bad at choosing words however, and it might have sounded a little but stupid. I hope he/she will answer me without being offended.
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About TheRedAnarchist23

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Date of Birth
December 31, 1996 (27)
I am a massive hypocrite!
Computers, COD, and activism.
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Anarchist Communism


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5th May 2013 04:56
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17th June 2013 22:50
6th July 2011

20 Friends

  1. AinoAnarchist


    Junior Revolutionary

  2. AnarchistRevolutionary


    Anarcho Syndical Illegalist

  3. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  4. Brutus


    Senior Revolutionary

  5. campesino



  6. Comrade Nasser
  7. DiaperGrandpa



  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Mostly just noises

  9. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Goblin



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