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  1. Remus Bleys
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    You know anything about the ICG?
  2. Rosa Partizan
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    100% moja prica brate, 100%

    cini mi se da su neke medije kao indeks bile vise kriticne prema tim, ali mogu ti reci da je u dijaspori bilo zalosno kako su ga svi branili. E vala neka neka, za dom je spreman sad pred televizoru, bujrum.
  3. Rosa Partizan
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    ti si za bosnu i ne za hrvatsku?
  4. Sinister Intents
    Death fucking metal!
  5. Rosa Partizan
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    e vala pre pragmaticna sam za ovaj forum.
  6. Rosa Partizan
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    pa nisam rekla da sam glupa, boze sacuvaj. Samo ne zelim nekako ispasti arogantna, ono "e vidi kako sebe sama smatra inteligentnom osobom lulz". Mozda i jesam inteligentna, ali to moraju reci druge osobe, nije to do mene. U stvari, samo sam htjela reci, zene jesu dovoljno inteligentne da kuze patrijarhat, ali i nesam rekla da je to lako, i ja dugo nisam nista razumila i bila seksisticna gamad.
  7. Rosa Partizan
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    najvaznije mi je da sam jasno izrazila da zena nije nikad kriva u tim slucaju. A za sve ostale objasnjenje mi nas jezik jednostavno ne ide dovoljno dobro. bez obzira ne mislim da zene ne mogu imati nikakav ulog u patrijarhatu, kad kontam koliko seksisticne i one znaju biti, ponekad gore od muskaraca, bez obzira sto su takve, jer i ja sam bila takva i necu sebi to jednostavno oprostiti rekajuci (jel to taj Gerundium? e vala ne'am pojma) da sam zrtva patrijarhata i da nisam mogla biti bolja. na neki nacin je mi to i vrijedjanje zenske inteligencije da se vazda raspravlja onim "ma nije ona mogla bojle znati". ja nisam nesto aman inteligenta i ipak sam skuzila da postoji patrijarhat i da sam mu prije veoma dobro sluzila.
  8. Rosa Partizan
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    mozes mi to malo objasniti? jel se nesto novo dogodilo u threadu? odavno nisam citala postings tamo, jer samo mi dzaba dize tlak
  9. Geiseric
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    Lol that type o was hilariOus.
  10. Rosa Partizan
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    Eto sta sam ti rekla!!!!! Vidis sam!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 135
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About Thirsty Crow

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Ask if you will
Zagreb, Croatia
Political Statement
Emancipation of the working class must be the act of the working class itself.

FKA LinksRadikal
“The possibility of securing for every member of society, by means of socialized production, an existence not only fully sufficient materially, and becoming day by day more full, but an existence guaranteeing to all the free development and exercise of their physical and mental faculties – this possibility is now for the first time here, but it is here.” Friedrich Engels

"The proletariat is its struggle; and its struggles have to this day not led it beyond class society, but deeper into it." Friends of the Classless Society

"Your life is survived by your deeds" - Steve von Till


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23rd January 2016 19:12
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19th February 2017 17:03
18th October 2009

32 Friends

  1. Искра



  2. Amphictyonis





    <<<Archetypal Revolutionary

  4. berlitz23


    Junior Revolutionary

  5. Blake's Baby

    Blake's Baby

    Committed Revolutionary

  6. Crux


    Let the dead bury the dead.

  7. Danielle Ni Dhighe

    Danielle Ni Dhighe

    CU Candidate

  8. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  9. Faust Arp

    Faust Arp

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Five Year Plan
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