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  1. Dropdead
    View Conversation
    Great posts and pics etc, too bad you don't visit anymore
  2. Dropdead
    View Conversation
    If you would still visit I'd love to talk to you.. You seem like the kind of guy I like.
  3. View Conversation
  4. Communist
    View Conversation
    Where did you go..?
  5. Rjevan
    View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  6. Pirate Utopian
    View Conversation
    Happy birthday.
  7. scarletghoul
    View Conversation
    hey comrade, can i have the 'hands off the dprk' group back
  8. Rosa Lichtenstein
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    "But if I was to see your work then it'd be your constant whining like a fucking baby that either no one respects your work or that Dialectial Materialists are all mystics who dont see the obvious of your genius bla bla bla."

    Once again, just like your fellow mystics -- you can't reply to my demolition of your 'theory', so you resort to abuse.

    "And besides, if you are a worker then get off your ass and help the revolutionary movement."

    The best thing I can do is help stop the flow of mystical poison into Marxism -- something you seem happy to accelerate.

    "Or whats particulary more important to you? Anti-Dialectial Materialism or Communism?"

    They aren't exclusive choices. Alas, I suspect your lack of facility in logic is hindering what few thoughts you are capable of stringing together. Indeed, the flow of poison is plainly taking its toll on your capacity to think clearly.

    Please keep this up; you are a warning to us us all.
  9. Rosa Lichtenstein
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    "Yes, asserting your way is the absolute correct way and dialectal Materialism is just a pile of horseshit that should never be looked at. Or perhaps lets say it is 'criticism' but then if it is why go on this name calling busniess and be like a proud dick several times ( "looks like scaredy cat.." "ha you mytics!" etc) if someone doesn't respond."

    Typical of you mystics to substitute abuse for argument.

    "Besides isnt it 'demand' rather then 'defy' since I didn't give you any implications of a command or rather anything at all but state a fact that many have seen."

    No, 'defy' is correct -- and accurate, since you have yet to produce even one example.
  10. Rosa Lichtenstein
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    "since you seem to have a large anti-DiaMat dogmatism"

    In what way are my criticisms of this a priori, dogmatic 'theory' dogmatic? In fact, I defy you to find one example of dogmatism in my work.

    "You must do wonders with the workers."

    I am a worker.
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About Brother No. 1

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 11, 1995 (29)
Games,Tv,reading political books,etc.
I work around the house.
Political Statement
"...By its nature, Zionism concentrates ultra-nationalism, chauvinism and racial intolerance, excuse for territorial occupation and annexation, military opportunism, cult of political promiscuousness and irresponsibility, demagogy and ideological diversion, dirty tactics and perfidy... Absurd are attempts of Zionist ideologists to present criticizing them, or condemning the aggressive politics of the Israel's ruling circles, as antisemitic... We call on all Soviet citizens: workers, peasants, representatives of intelligentsia: take active part in exposing Zionism, strongly rebuke its endeavors; social scientists: activate scientific research to criticize reactionary core of that ideology and aggressive character of its political practice; writers, artists, journalists: fuller expose anti-populace and anti-humane diversionary character of propaganda and politics of Zionism..."


“Congratulating Stalin is not a formality. Congratulating Stalin means supporting him and his cause, supporting the victory of socialism, and the way forward for mankind which he points out, it means supporting a dear friend. For the great majority of mankind today are suffering, and mankind can free itself from suffering only by the road pointed out by Stalin and with his help.” – Mao Tse Tung


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