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  1. Grenzer
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    I'm expecting to see the ICC put a polemic out sometime in the next fifteen years proclaiming "Trotskyism: The Counter-Revolutionary Betrayal of Trotsky" or "Trotskyists, hands off Trotsky! He belongs to the revolutionary proletariat(us!)" Trotskyism as a movement seems dead. The existing Trotskyists seem to be moving in the direction of being absorbed by Left Communism, "non-denominational" Marxism-Leninism, and weird splinters which could only be considered to be pseudo-communist.

    I don't know much about the Kasama project, but I do know that many who consider themselves to be a part of it have vaguely Maoist-Third-Worldist sentiments which tells me about all I need to know.
  2. Grenzer
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    I see, so it's a continuation of the time honored Left Communist tradition of claiming the legacy of a historical figure while dismissing their actual political thought(Lenin, Pannekoek, Bukharin, etc).
  3. Grenzer
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    What's with the fascination that some people have with Bukharin? I've looked for the strategic propositions of the right opposition, without much luck; but from what I can tell Bukharin was nominally right wing by communist standards, perhaps too right wing.
  4. Grenzer
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    I haven't had the time to get through much of it yet, but I plan on taking most of the day today and tomorrow to get through it. My initial impression is that State Capitalism as a temporary transitional phase is theoretically possible, but not without dangers. I've been taking a few notes so when I'm finished I'll be able to to have a decent critique.

    It's certainly not a simplistic issue, and while the name of State Capitalism is technically accurate, it can be a bit misleading and lead one to jump to conclusions. State capitalism isn't capitalism, but it's not socialism either.
  5. View Conversation
    The book ''Albania and the Albanians'' is impossible to read because of the scan quality.
  6. View Conversation
    After reading ''Stalinism in Albania'', I must say Hoxha's Albania sounds like a nightmare, comparable to North Korea and 1984.
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    ''The modern revisionists and reactionaries call us Stalinists thinking that they insult us. . . . But on the contrary, they glorify us with this epithet; it is an honor for us to be Stalinists for while we maintain such a stand the enemy cannot and will never force us to our knees.''

    So much for the last part
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    To be perfectly honest, I find it hard to believe anything that's said by the leaders of the 20th century Communist regimes. Considering how their personality cults distort everything. And of course, like the North Korean leaders, they distorted information intentionally.

    I'm not saying the Bourgeois media doesn't either.
  9. View Conversation
    Yes, pretty much, but it's the common people of Albania speaking about their life experience under Hoxha. How do you know it isn't true? I'm sure you wouldn't dispute Ceausescu's brutality?

    And yes, link me some.
  10. View Conversation
    Literature and film* rofl.
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