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About Leo

Basic Information

Dialectical communist
House of the Rising Night
strikes, councils, world revolution, communism, internationalism, films, music, accordion, football
Teacher / Translator / Student
Political Statement
"The dialectical method is different from the scientific method. The latter, the stubborn legacy of the old fashioned way of formulating thought, derived from religious concepts based on dogmatic revelation, presents the concepts of things as immutable, absolute, eternal, founded on a few first principles, alien to one another and having a kind of independent life. For the dialectical method, not only is everything in motion, but in motion all things reciprocally influence each other, and this also goes for their concepts, or the reflections of these things in our minds, which are connected and united." - Amadeo Bordiga

" 'Order prevails in Warsaw!' 'Order prevails in Paris!' 'Order prevails in Berlin!' Every half-century that is what the bulletins from the guardians of 'order' proclaim from one center of the world-historic struggle to the next. And the jubilant 'victors' fail to notice that any 'order' that needs to be regularly maintained through bloody slaughter heads inexorably toward its historic destiny; its own demise...

The leadership failed. But a new leadership can and must be created by the masses and from the masses. The masses are the crucial factor. They are the rock on which the ultimate victory of the revolution will be built. The masses were up to the challenge, and out of this 'defeat' they have forged a link in the chain of historic defeats, which is the pride and strength of international socialism. That is why future victories will spring from this 'defeat.'

'Order prevails in Berlin!' You foolish lackeys! Your 'order' is built on sand. Tomorrow the revolution will 'rise up again, clashing its weapons', and to your horror it will proclaim with trumpets blazing: I was, I am, I shall be!" - Rosa Luxemburg
Male, Female, Other
Pale Blue Jadal
Organisation Contact Details
[email protected]

"Communism, as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism, and as fully developed humanism equals naturalism; it is the genuine resolution of the conflict between man and nature and between man and man – the true resolution of the strife between existence and essence, between objectification and self-confirmation, between freedom and necessity, between the individual and the species. Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution." - Karl Marx

Pale Blue Jadal


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29th April 2016 20:04
1st May 2006

50 Friends

  1. NGNM85


    Libertarian Socialist

  2. Niccolò Rossi
  3. Ostrinski



  4. Patchd


    Thirsty crow

  5. Raúl Duke

    Raúl Duke

    The apathetic leftist

  6. Red Dreadnought

    Red Dreadnought

    Junior Revolutionary

  7. Remus Bleys

    Remus Bleys

    Communism or Civilization

  8. Samyasa


    Junior Revolutionary

  9. Sentinel



  10. SidBh


    Junior Revolutionary

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