RevLeft Groups

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  • G.V. Plekhanov Literati

    In imitation of the Bordiga, Lenin and Kautsky Literati groups, this comrade has found it appropriate to create a group devoted to in-depth study of the political and philosophical writings of G. V. Plekhanov, the Russian Marxist who founded the Emancipation of Labour Group which laid the "theoretical foundations"(Lenin) of the Russian Marxist movement and "took the first step towards"(Lenin) a working-class movement in Russia and played a prominent role in representing the Russian Marxists in the Second International and vigorously fought against Economism and liquidationism, "two different forms of the same petty-bourgeois, intellectualist opportunism"(Lenin) in the RSDLP.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 6th November 2015 23:59

    41 member(s)
    ShadowoftheFlag Asero William Howard Taft Remus Bleys OHumanista Q Marxaveli Brutus Noa Rodman Charles Marxley
    Latest Discussion: Translated article
  • Against technophilia

    For those of us who take a critical attitude towards technological development. If you believe:

    that technology has caused very severe problems, and will not necessarily continue to solve these problems;

    or that technology is not "ideologically neutral", but intricately tied up with the structure of class society;

    or that life in primitive societies is often fairly reasonable, and is not, as Hobbes said and as has become a popular view, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short";

    or if you in any other way reject blind faith in technological progress - this is the group for you.

    We believe that if humanity is to achieve a classless society, or even just make significant improvements in the short-term, then a significant critique of technology is necessary.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 9th January 2017 16:13

    39 member(s)
    Molotov1848 Peterthepainter LoGronn Communard1871 Artiom Drotnar HorseloverFat Ele'ill Cliff Paul StromboliFucker666
    Latest Discussion: Anti-Technology !
  • Existential Marxism

    For those members who follow the teachings of the French existentialist and novelist Jean-Paul Sartre, or sympathize with his views. He was associated with the French Communist Party, the Maoist-inspired Proletarian Left, and the Revolutionary Democratic Rally.

    We are a group dedicated to the synthesis of Marxism and existentialism, as put forth in the post-WW2 era in France by Jean-Paul Sartre and influenced by his contemporaries, Simone de Beauvoir and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, as well as by the European communist and anarchist traditions at the time. Existential Marxism is often associated with the libertarian Marxist tradition (although it generally rejects the concept of the libertarian-authoritarian dichotomy, as it does with most structuralist binaries), and situates itself close to both left-communism and class-analysis anarchism. It is generally opposed to Marxist-Leninism ("Stalinism") and it's post-Stalin derivatives (Maoism, Titoism, etc) and considers the Soviet Union to have been state capitalist. It presses for grassroots revolutionary action in industrialized nations, and believes in the illegitimacy of bourgeois morality as a determinist power structure and argues for its replacement by a humanist ethic. It is supportive of militant labor unions, red unionism, and militant peoples' strikes. Although accepting of a vanguard party, it generally rejects the notions of democratic centralism, economic determinism, and / or anything that takes freedom out of the hands of the individual and resigns him or her to a fatalist or pre-determined behavior.

    It also places an emphasis on angst, existential nausea, bad faith ("mauvaise foi"), and argues that identity politics have worked to fracture "the" proletariat based on socially-constructed demographics. It is deeply phenomenological and materialist, and can be thought of as "politicized" continental philosophy.

    Existential Marxism argues that the lack of a pre-determination leaves humanity the free will and responsibility to construct it for itself, and that individuals gain definition and meaning based on what choices they choose, and in what context that choice is taken. It maintains strong support for democracy, inter-vanguard debate, and inclusive decision-making, and rejects the rule of an élite minority over the laboring majority (be it a bourgeois aristocracy or a party-led bureaucracy).

    As the political economy sets the stage, the individual is free to design the play.

    "Existence precedes essence" - Sartre

    Information regarding Sartre can be found at the Marxist Internet Archive -

    You may also be interested in liking the "Marxist Existentialism" page at

    Category: Tendencies
    : 19th June 2016 04:51

    19 member(s)
    fatherfoamhorse Faust Arp Zoroaster Counterculturalist Theta Sigma Sdela12 Rugged Collectivist Neoteropoeos Goblin vijaya
    Latest Discussion: Readings
  • Democratic Centralist

    A broad tendency group as well as group for discussion of democratic centralist organizational structures and methods.

    For Leninists, left communists, and any other communists who believe in a vanguard (or otherwise political) party democratically run and operated by the membership of the party in which all administrative and representative positions are elected from top to bottom.

    Through putting each or most party policies to a plebiscite or referendum vote among the party electorate, the will of the majority of the party is represented and carried out.

    The task of a democratic centralist organizational structure is to achieve, as Lenin put it, "freedom of discussion, unity of action." This means that we work toward achieving the highest democratic standard of decision making possible while also maintaining a standard of unity within the party.

    We understand that, while we may disagree with the specifics, not every organization that has ever called itself a democratic centralist body was run in such a manner, especially in the case of organizations that managed certain state apparatuses.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 16th February 2016 00:24

    33 member(s)
    Loganauer Faust Arp LeninistIthink Diirez Comrade Maro RedKobra Comrade Strong M-L-C-F Buttscratcher sosolo
  • Ultra Adventurists

    A torch light safari of fun

    Category: Tendencies
    : 15th May 2015 01:52

    14 member(s)
    skeptical mrxist BIXX HerringGull servusmoderni Igor Bea Arthur Trap Queen Voxxy Ravachol baronci mybloodisred
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Autonomists

    Autonomism or Autonomous Marxism is a set of left-wing political and social movements and theories identified with the socialist movement. As a theoretical system, it first emerged in Italy in the 1960s from workerist (operaismo) communism. Later, post-Marxist and anarchist tendencies became significant after influence from the Situationists, the failure of Italian far-left movements in the 1970s, and the emergence of a number of important theorists including Antonio Negri, who had contributed to the 1969 founding of Potere Operaio, as well as Mario Tronti, Paolo Virno, Franco Berardi "Bifo", etc.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th March 2018 01:43

    44 member(s)
    bolanoismygod SATails Molotov1848 SonofRage Jessica ShadowStar Working Class Hero mushroompizza dez OolonColluphid
  • Orthodox Marxism

    This is the group that formed which is a writers collective popularising the ideas of revolutionary Social-Democracy of the late 19th and early 20th century. We are also open for contributions and if you like to do so you could reach us at [email protected]

    “When and where did I ever claim to have created any sort of special trend in international Social-Democracy not identical with the trend of Bebel and Kautsky?”

    - Lenin

    A related political group is the Dutch Communist Platform:

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th October 2016 03:44

    34 member(s)
    Radical Atom Farseer Communist Mutant From Outer Space Revoltorb Jacob Cliff ahriman Guardia Rossa Tjis Zwatt Comrade Marceline
  • The Pragmatic Approach

    For people who actually realize that at one point in time capitalism was a necessity. However, it is dated due to a profit driven system limiting technological evolution. For those who believe technology is revolutionary tool and those who oppose technological development are inherently bourgeois and have no means to create an actual functioning society.

    Members can post discussions and do their best to strip emotional context to economic theory/application.

    The far-left is riddled with people with meek and bourgeois tendencies of blind moralism. This only encourages the bourgeois to label us as "deluded hippies."

    Furthermore lets stop with symbols and parades. Its inherently reactionary.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 24th March 2016 21:30

    3 member(s)
    Vogel DasFapital ∞
  • Non-Doctrinaire Stalinists

    This group is for Stalinists who do not subscribe to a particular doctrine or "ism". If you are an "Anti-Revisionist," Revisionist, Maoist, Khruschevite, Hoxhaist, Titoist, Brezhnevite, Juche-ist or one of a million other doctrinal "ists", this group is not for you. However, if you recognize that even a blind squirrel can find a theoretical nut, or have no qualms about slaughtering your own sacred cows, or really understand what Stalin meant when he said, "You're not Stalin and I'm not Stalin. Stalin is Soviet power. Stalin is what he is in the newspapers and the portraits, not you, not even me", then you might just be a non-doctrinaire stalinist. Group members must be able to agree with the Non-Doctrinaire Stalinist Credo.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 24th March 2016 21:41

    4 member(s)
    Mass Grave Aesthetics DasFapital Taters Remus Bleys
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Reforge the Fourth International!

    From the 1994 declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement:

    "In 1984, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement was founded, grouping together the nucleus of the Maoist revolutionaries the world over who were determined to carry forward the fight for a world without exploitation and oppression, without imperialism, a world in which the very division of society into classes will be overcome - the communist world of the future. Since the formation of our Movement we have continued to advance and today, on the occasion of the Mao Tsetung Centenary, with a deep sense of our responsibility, we declare to the international proletariat and the oppressed masses of the world that our guiding ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism"

    For years the Revolutionary Internationalist movement served as the focal point for the Internationalist Communist movement, playing an important role in the re-emergence of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist world wide until it was sabotaged by Avakianite revisionism and Prachandist neo-revisionism. We support the tradition of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the effort of the (New)Communist party of Italy and the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan of rebuilding the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

    Re-forge the Fourth International!

    Category: Tendencies
    : 24th March 2016 21:58

    5 member(s)
    Debraski maoist70 DasFapital Wooley Bearded Man Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.

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  • Marxist-Leninists

    Marxism-Leninism is the theory and practice of the Communists, who uphold the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin in the struggle for proletarian revolution, the construction of socialism, and the triumph of communism on a world scale. It is the scientific ideology of the working-class and its vanguard which accomplish these aims.

    Marxism-Leninism bases itself on historical and dialectical materialism, taking into account the objective material conditions existent in each country and region. It supports just struggles against imperialism and neo-colonialism whose victories are guaranteed through the leading role of the working-class in said struggles. It supports internationalism as the guiding basis of the foreign policy of the socialist state and in the approach to inter-imperialist conflicts. Marxist-Leninists fight for both democratic and socialist demands and, where necessary in the world, carry out any bourgeois-democratic tasks in tandem with the uninterrupted move over into the socialist revolution.

    The struggles waged by Marx, Engels and Lenin against all forms of revisionism, opportunism and reformism constituted both the defense of scientific socialism and its creative development, opposing both "left" and right-wing deviations.

    The construction of socialism in the Soviet Union and likeminded countries provided a superior alternative to the capitalist system. The treacherous policies pursued by the restorers of capitalism constituted a heavy setback for the world working-class movement, but they could not reverse the nature of capitalism and the inevitability of class struggles for socialism under it.

    Marxism-Leninism remains the ideology of the working-class by virtue of its scientific content and objective merits in the epoch of imperialism and the decay of capitalism.

    =Reading List=
    * (Elementary Principles of Philosophy)
    * (an introduction to Lenin's life, Leninism, and the October Revolution along with the first few years afterward)
    * ricalRecord
    * (The State and Revolution, by V.I. Lenin)
    * ("Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism)
    * (The Fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy)
    -See Also-

    NOTE: To all forum users wishing to join, have some indication that you are a ML in your profile.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 7th June 2018 13:29

    572 member(s)
    srijan Molle james119a Nah Revisionism LumBardhi killstvz cruxcommunista Garlic Hihi H O X H A
  • Indian Guerilla Left Front

    Join the Indian political revolution .Lal Salaam to all Comrades

    : 5th June 2018 04:59

    5 member(s)
    srijan TheRightfulEmperor willowtooth GLF guevarism
  • Debunking leftists.

    As the tendency name suggests, this group is for interested leftists to come together, dispell and find quick refutations of common myths surrounding economics, discrimination, Communism itself and other subjects that commonly appear in the discourse of modern politics.

    If you get pissed off whenever you hear a comparison between Marx, Lenin Pol-Pot and Hitler, If you tremble uncontrollably at the words 'a way between extreme Marxism and Capitalism' or 'Good on paper but bad in practice', If you hate having to put up the constant conservative vomits who continuously explain to you how deregulation would increase competition and therefore worker's luxury of living, then this is the group for you!

    Category: Interests
    : 7th May 2018 06:03

    42 member(s)
    Euphoria Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Pinko_Cuck Faust Arp LeninistIthink The_Southern_Leftist Lenin_Was_Right flaming bolshevik M-L-C-F
  • Feminist

    Feminism: A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th April 2018 17:14

    504 member(s)
    theSashaScarr BreakAllTheChains Grouchy Monstrosity Pinko_Cuck openminded InfuriatinglyRed Rich Piana Seldokopor SentimentalDisenchantment Chomskyan
  • Orthodox Trotskyism

    Orthodox Trotskyism, so called by both adherents and detractors, is a political current within the broader Trotskyist movement that bases itself on the work of Leon Trotsky and his associates, such as James P. Cannon, who advanced Marxist theory in the direction indicated by Trotsky's work, in opposition to the revisionist theories of Pablo, Shachtman, Cliff and others. Orthodox Trotskyists emphasise the analysis, first outlined by Trotsky, of the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers' state, of the Stalinist bureaucracy as a contradictory stratum, and of the present epoch of the class struggle as being characterised by a deep crisis of leadership that can only be resolved by forging, on a firm basis, a Fourth International of revolutionary Bolsheviks-Leninists. This group is for adherents to the orthodox Trotskyist line, and every comrade who is interested in orthodox Trotskyist theory.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 13th April 2018 11:33

    29 member(s)
    Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Chekist IsaacIsaac Konikow Art Vandelay Red Baker tomcres LeninistIthink Bee
    Latest Discussion: Rip
  • Romantic Sound

    For all those who's passion finds an outlet in music with themes about love and romance. Countless genres around the world from oldies and 70's ballads in the west to C-ambient and soothing J-pop ballads in the east. Romantic tones find themselves being a universal language. We don't care if this music makes us seem soft or weak, the mood it puts us in is powerful.

    Category: Interests
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    2 member(s)
    Callum the communist Bala Perdida
    Latest Discussion: What genre do you love to?
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    A union for all workers.

    An injury to one is an injury to all

    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    15 member(s)
    Callum the communist Pilotgrrl TheRightfulEmperor treich AngelofDarkness tpoted Birk umeradam TheFriedRooster Molotov1848
    Latest Discussion: This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Castroism

    This group is for people who feel cuba's revolution is now the example for world revolution in the 21rst century

    Category: Tendencies
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    7 member(s)
    Callum the communist james119a guevarism yorkshireman ForNoGoodReason MiguelTheSocialist Raul Castro
  • Linguistics Group

    A Group for the discussion of Historical and Scientific linguistics, as well as the learning of languages.

    Category: Interests
    : 6th April 2018 17:22

    56 member(s)
    Potemkin Andrew_Zito tomcres Guardia Rossa Faust Arp Chomskyan Socialist99 Oulian Red_Banner OHumanista
  • Luxemburgists

    For all those who identify as Luxemburgists or are influenced by Rosa Luxemburg and her writings and actions.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th March 2018 01:57

    280 member(s)
    BreakAllTheChains RainbowRevolution AmericanCommunist criticalrealist allforbread JoPalma TheFriedRooster Noxian Idahoan_Luxemburgist InfuriatinglyRed
    Latest Discussion: Anarchism and Luxemburgism