RevLeft Groups

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  • Albanians

    Two heads for our two groups, Gheg and Tosks. Black for the color of the eagle, and red for the blood of our martyrs!

    This groups is for the people of an eastern European country formerly shrouded in mystery and tradition, Albania. A people who fought imperialism since the time of the Romans. Here is a place to discuss our history and culture, where all are welcome. We can talk about the various heroes of our nation Skanderbeg, Miro Terbaci, Isa Boletini, Ali Pasha. You may ever talk about modern events too, including in Albania and Kosovo!

    All sheep herders and sheepdogs welcome! Sheep are an Albanian's best friend!

    : 20th January 2017 19:26

    3 member(s)
    H O X H A AOHSBTS LionofTepelenë
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Anti-MRA

    A group for people who not only reject so-called "men's rights activism", but also deem it necessary to actively fight and debunk it. Members of this group realise that, even though MRA are but a fringe group, they pose a real threat to the struggle for equality through their blatant anti-feminist positions.

    : 20th June 2017 15:22

    21 member(s)
    CallInTheDogs LionofTepelenë Communist Mutant From Outer Space ShadowStar JackAmphlett Communist_Rage Faust Arp REDwhiteandblue dez FarewellToKings
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Against Modern Football

    Against Modern Football

    For affordable tickets,

    For affordable shirts,

    Against advertising,

    Against corporate boxes,

    Supporters not customers,

    For supporters working locally,

    Against stadium relocations,

    For supporters-owned clubs,

    Against professional pundits and analysis!

    : 28th November 2015 23:09

    15 member(s)
    Matejko Aslan Ne réfléchis pas MrPsycho1994 TIVVYULTRAS AgnosticPunk REDwhiteandblue Comrade Jacob bad ideas actualised by alcohol Sasha
    Latest Discussion: FIFA corruption
  • For a Balkan Socialist Federation

    For everyone, from the Balkans or otherwise, who believes that the only solution to the complex national question on the Balkan Peninsula, and the only safeguard against foreign powers constantly pitting Balkan statelets against one another, is a return to the historic idea of the Balkan Left: a socialist federation of Balkan peoples united against imperialist interference, on a common road towards a new, liberated society.

    Some reading on the subject:

    : 17th February 2016 18:22

    12 member(s)
    LionofTepelenë Бай Ганьо Miltiadis Redearth Aslan Nikola Fanatik RadicalKKE Alexey Sobelsohn DOOM Communist_Rage
    Latest Discussion: Greetings
  • fuck the anti-germans

    fuck em

    : 19th February 2016 10:26

    1 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Cannabism

    This is a group for all people who want a stateless, classless society, and lots of marijuana to smoke. Revolution will be brought about by the spread of pot.

    Category: Fun
    : 8th December 2015 00:11

    107 member(s)
    karlkropotkin MrPsycho1994 TheAntiReactionary Faust Arp KingFloydTheGreat index Supposed Mocha Socialist99 Aktionsgrupp Bomber
    Latest Discussion: When did you first get high?
  • Europa Unversialis Club

    We play EU4

    Category: Fun
    : 2nd February 2018 23:52

    8 member(s)
    The Red Star Rising Halert Le Socialiste #FF0000 Q Queen Mab Hermes Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Latest Discussion: Countries Thread
  • Coffee Faction

    Wether you drink it pure, with milk, sugar, or iced, we don't need YOU, but YOU need Caffeïne!

    Oh, and the Tea-guys asked for it.

    Category: Fun
    : 18th July 2016 21:14

    48 member(s)
    Pinko_Cuck Faust Arp BoratOfPhilosophy ∞ Stained_Class Popular Front of Judea HomelessMaoist Prinskaj AtarashiiSekai harte.beest
    Latest Discussion: Coffee...
  • Pokemon

    A group for those who want to be the very best, like no one ever was...

    Clubs meetings are at my Mom's Basement on Thursdays. Donuts will be served.

    Category: Fun
    : 11th March 2016 22:37

    34 member(s)
    Communist Mutant From Outer Space IrishQueer BITW434 Comrade Jaraxxus Christian Insurrectionist ∞ Sabot Cat UNDEADandRed Firefly thriller
    Latest Discussion: Favorite Version?
  • Revolutionary Aspergerians!

    For anybody who has Aspergers or knows somebody with Aspergers with revolution in their heart.

    Category: Fun
    : 16th February 2016 04:33

    27 member(s)
    calgehrig tomcres Scarlet Fever ShadowStar FarewellToKings RedKobra TheAntiReactionary RedRev Socialist99 HerringGull
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.

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  • Marxist-Leninists

    Marxism-Leninism is the theory and practice of the Communists, who uphold the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin in the struggle for proletarian revolution, the construction of socialism, and the triumph of communism on a world scale. It is the scientific ideology of the working-class and its vanguard which accomplish these aims.

    Marxism-Leninism bases itself on historical and dialectical materialism, taking into account the objective material conditions existent in each country and region. It supports just struggles against imperialism and neo-colonialism whose victories are guaranteed through the leading role of the working-class in said struggles. It supports internationalism as the guiding basis of the foreign policy of the socialist state and in the approach to inter-imperialist conflicts. Marxist-Leninists fight for both democratic and socialist demands and, where necessary in the world, carry out any bourgeois-democratic tasks in tandem with the uninterrupted move over into the socialist revolution.

    The struggles waged by Marx, Engels and Lenin against all forms of revisionism, opportunism and reformism constituted both the defense of scientific socialism and its creative development, opposing both "left" and right-wing deviations.

    The construction of socialism in the Soviet Union and likeminded countries provided a superior alternative to the capitalist system. The treacherous policies pursued by the restorers of capitalism constituted a heavy setback for the world working-class movement, but they could not reverse the nature of capitalism and the inevitability of class struggles for socialism under it.

    Marxism-Leninism remains the ideology of the working-class by virtue of its scientific content and objective merits in the epoch of imperialism and the decay of capitalism.

    =Reading List=
    * (Elementary Principles of Philosophy)
    * (an introduction to Lenin's life, Leninism, and the October Revolution along with the first few years afterward)
    * ricalRecord
    * (The State and Revolution, by V.I. Lenin)
    * ("Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism)
    * (The Fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy)
    -See Also-

    NOTE: To all forum users wishing to join, have some indication that you are a ML in your profile.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 7th June 2018 13:29

    572 member(s)
    srijan Molle james119a Nah Revisionism LumBardhi killstvz cruxcommunista Garlic Hihi H O X H A
  • Indian Guerilla Left Front

    Join the Indian political revolution .Lal Salaam to all Comrades

    : 5th June 2018 04:59

    5 member(s)
    srijan TheRightfulEmperor willowtooth GLF guevarism
  • Debunking leftists.

    As the tendency name suggests, this group is for interested leftists to come together, dispell and find quick refutations of common myths surrounding economics, discrimination, Communism itself and other subjects that commonly appear in the discourse of modern politics.

    If you get pissed off whenever you hear a comparison between Marx, Lenin Pol-Pot and Hitler, If you tremble uncontrollably at the words 'a way between extreme Marxism and Capitalism' or 'Good on paper but bad in practice', If you hate having to put up the constant conservative vomits who continuously explain to you how deregulation would increase competition and therefore worker's luxury of living, then this is the group for you!

    Category: Interests
    : 7th May 2018 06:03

    42 member(s)
    Euphoria Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Pinko_Cuck Faust Arp LeninistIthink The_Southern_Leftist Lenin_Was_Right flaming bolshevik M-L-C-F
  • Feminist

    Feminism: A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th April 2018 17:14

    504 member(s)
    theSashaScarr BreakAllTheChains Grouchy Monstrosity Pinko_Cuck openminded InfuriatinglyRed Rich Piana Seldokopor SentimentalDisenchantment Chomskyan
  • Orthodox Trotskyism

    Orthodox Trotskyism, so called by both adherents and detractors, is a political current within the broader Trotskyist movement that bases itself on the work of Leon Trotsky and his associates, such as James P. Cannon, who advanced Marxist theory in the direction indicated by Trotsky's work, in opposition to the revisionist theories of Pablo, Shachtman, Cliff and others. Orthodox Trotskyists emphasise the analysis, first outlined by Trotsky, of the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers' state, of the Stalinist bureaucracy as a contradictory stratum, and of the present epoch of the class struggle as being characterised by a deep crisis of leadership that can only be resolved by forging, on a firm basis, a Fourth International of revolutionary Bolsheviks-Leninists. This group is for adherents to the orthodox Trotskyist line, and every comrade who is interested in orthodox Trotskyist theory.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 13th April 2018 11:33

    29 member(s)
    Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Chekist IsaacIsaac Konikow Art Vandelay Red Baker tomcres LeninistIthink Bee
    Latest Discussion: Rip
  • Romantic Sound

    For all those who's passion finds an outlet in music with themes about love and romance. Countless genres around the world from oldies and 70's ballads in the west to C-ambient and soothing J-pop ballads in the east. Romantic tones find themselves being a universal language. We don't care if this music makes us seem soft or weak, the mood it puts us in is powerful.

    Category: Interests
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    2 member(s)
    Callum the communist Bala Perdida
    Latest Discussion: What genre do you love to?
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    A union for all workers.

    An injury to one is an injury to all

    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    15 member(s)
    Callum the communist Pilotgrrl TheRightfulEmperor treich AngelofDarkness tpoted Birk umeradam TheFriedRooster Molotov1848
    Latest Discussion: This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Castroism

    This group is for people who feel cuba's revolution is now the example for world revolution in the 21rst century

    Category: Tendencies
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    7 member(s)
    Callum the communist james119a guevarism yorkshireman ForNoGoodReason MiguelTheSocialist Raul Castro
  • Linguistics Group

    A Group for the discussion of Historical and Scientific linguistics, as well as the learning of languages.

    Category: Interests
    : 6th April 2018 17:22

    56 member(s)
    Potemkin Andrew_Zito tomcres Guardia Rossa Faust Arp Chomskyan Socialist99 Oulian Red_Banner OHumanista
  • Luxemburgists

    For all those who identify as Luxemburgists or are influenced by Rosa Luxemburg and her writings and actions.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th March 2018 01:57

    280 member(s)
    BreakAllTheChains RainbowRevolution AmericanCommunist criticalrealist allforbread JoPalma TheFriedRooster Noxian Idahoan_Luxemburgist InfuriatinglyRed
    Latest Discussion: Anarchism and Luxemburgism