RevLeft Groups

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  • Unite the Left

    This group is for organizing the growing anti-capitalist sentiment throughout the world into programmatic unity. We believe that in order to defeat capitalism, socialists of all tendencies must come together and act as one in the fight against exploitation. In this group we hope to draw in adherents of all tendencies to engage in open minded debate on what actions should be taken in the establishment of socialism. No matter what our differences are, we all agree on the most important thing... Capitalism must go, and only together can we get rid of it!

    : 2nd January 2018 15:46

    91 member(s)
    treich Johnnyred james119a TheFriedRooster Noxian Loganauer Red Spark Guardia Rossa karlkropotkin Galbatorix994
    Latest Discussion: Extension of "Left Unity"
  • Discordianism

    A 'ha-ha' serious (not really but totally) religion based around the veneration of the Greek Goddess of Discord and Confusion, Eris, and the words of the Honest Book of Truth, as set forth in the Principa Discordia. Remember: There is no tyranny in confusion.

    : 12th July 2015 05:51

    7 member(s)
    Fnordie camus11 pax et aequalitas Münchhausen jookyle The Douche vagrantmoralist
  • Anarchist Black Cross

    The Anarchist Red Cross was started in Tsarist Russia to organize aid for political prisoners captured by the police, and to organize self-defense against political raids by the Cossack Army. During the Russian civil war, they changed the name to the Black Cross in order to avoid confusion with the Red Cross who were organizing relief in the country. After the Bolsheviks seized power the Anarchist movement moved the ABC offices to Berlin and continued to aid prisoners of the new regime, as well as victims of Italian fascism and others. The Black Cross fell apart during the 1930s depression due to the incredible demand for its services and a decline in financial aid. But in the late 1960s the organization resurfaced in Britain, where it first worked to aid prisoners of the Spanish resistance, which had not in fact died after the civil war and were fighting the dictator Franco's police. Now it has expanded and works in several areas, with contacts and other Black Cross groups in many countries around the world. The North American section started in the early 1980s.

    The ABC has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners, with an emphasis on Anarchist and class war prisoners; and, through contact with and information about prisoners, inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners

    We believe, as most Anarchists do, that prisons serve no useful function (except for the benefit of the ruling classes) and should be abolished along with the State. We differ from liberal prison reformists and groups like Amnesty International in two main ways: firstly, we believe in the abolition of both the prison system and the society which creates it, and we initiate all our actions with that in mind; secondly, we believe in direct resistance to achieve a stateless and classless society. Groups like Amnesty International balk at supporting anyone accused of so-called violent acts, thus insinuating that anyone who resists oppression and takes up arms in self-defense, or during a revolutionary insurrection, is not worthy of support. The message is clear: do not resist. Our message is exactly the opposite, and this is what we work to support. We share a commitment to revolutionary Anarchism as opposed to liberalism and individualism or legalism.

    Outside of prison work, ABC groups are committed to the wider resistance in which many of these prisoners are engaged. We see a real need for Anarchists to be militantly organized if we are to effectively meet the organized repression of the State and avoid defeat. What is also needed is commitment to revolutionary politics. We see the setting up of Anarchist defense organizations, such as the ABC, as a necessary part of the growth and development of an Anarchist resistance movement, not divorcing ourselves from the revolutionary struggle and then just fighting for prison reform.

    As Anarchists we believe in the promotion of direct action and collective organization in the workplace, the schools, the community and the streets, as a means of regaining power over our own lives and creating a society based on mutual aid and cooperation.

    : 13th March 2017 00:15

    13 member(s)
    ethos MrPsycho1994 Chels skeptical mrxist Sinister Intents Brosa Luxemburg BoratOfPhilosophy Buzzard St Pauli Partisans Rational Radical
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • World Socialist Movement

    The World Socialist Movement (WSM) is an international organisation of socialist parties created in 1904 with the founding of the Socialist Party of Great Britain. The member parties share a common classical Marxist worldview and an adherence to socialism defined as a distinct economic system from capitalism. Therefore, the World Socialist parties are held in sharp contrast to Social democratic political parties and Leninist/Marxist-Leninist movements.

    : 28th October 2017 22:07

    53 member(s)
    Johnnyred GLF guevarism TomLeftist Diego Cyborg Communist Wizard RedLeaf CatTrap Blake's Baby Bluesteel
    Latest Discussion: SPGB Election Address 1910
  • Workers' Solidarity Alliance

    The Workers Solidarity Alliance is an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian organization of militants and organizers who believe that working people can build a new and better world based on the principles of solidarity and self-management.

    Our organization was founded in 1984 out of several older organizations, heavily influenced and associating with the ideas and traditions of anarcho-syndicalism. These ideas, as well as those of from the libertarian socialist and anarchist-communist traditions, form the current WSA basis for affiliation.

    Although there have been many high ups and low downs, the WSA has consistently held true to the principle of solidarity and our orientation to the working class. Our political statement, "Where We Stand," may be read here:

    Our view is that a better society will be brought about only by working people building their own self-managed mass organizations. We believe the working class is in a prime position to overthrow the power of the bosses, and we participate in current struggles and in existing unions and independent unions to fight for our rights in the here and now, while working to build a self-managedworking-class movement.

    We see fights against racism, patriarchy, homophobia etc. as essential elements of the struggle for an egalitarian society. We advocate the development of anti-authoritarian political organization where membership is based on a shared political perspective. Political ideas need to be informed by practical experience, and, through organization, militants can avoid isolation and get together for common political work. We do not, however, claim to have the final "correct line" or all the answers.

    : 9th November 2015 06:05

    10 member(s)
    TheRadicalAntichrist @narchyru1es Alex Jones Brandon's Impotent Rage SocialistStudent Skyhilist red flag over teeside LordAcheron
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Socialist Action

    Socialist Action is a national group of activists committed to the emancipation of workers and the oppressed. We strive to revitalize the anti-war, labor, anti-racist, feminist, student and other social movements. In the process we hope to bring activists together from different backgrounds into a revolutionary workers’ party that can successfully challenge the wealthy elite. Our ultimate goal is a truly democratic society organized to satisfy human needs, rather than corporate greed.

    class struggle and independence: We believe that the world is divided into opposing social classes, and that the main driving force of modern history is the struggle between the working class and the capitalist class. We are active partisans of the working class and believe in the need for independent working class politics – not alliances with the capitalists, or any wing of that class. That is why we call for workers to break from the Democratic Party to build a Labor Party based on the trade unions. In all of our political work we seek to get workers to see and think of themselves in terms of class, and to recognize that their class interests are diametrically opposed to that of the capitalists.

    revolution: We believe that the state and all of its institutions are instruments of the ruling class, and that therefore they cannot be used as tools of the working class, but have to be smashed. That is why we fight for revolution, instead of for seeking to merely reform or work within the system. When we fight for specific reforms we do so only with the understanding that in the final analysis real social change can only come about with the overthrow of capitalism, and the establishment of a workers’ government. We seek to link the demands for reforms with revolution through the Transitional Program and its method.

    the specially oppressed and oppressed nationalities: We support the struggles of those who are specially oppressed under capitalism – women, queers, national minorities, etc. We support and help build autonomous movements for the oppressed so that they can articulate their own demands, and develop political consciousness as a group. We support the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities, including Blacks, Chicanos & Puerto Ricans.

    internationalism: While we support the nationalism of oppressed nationalities as progressive, we are internationalists, and as such we hold that the workers of one country have more in common with the workers of another than they do with their own nation’s capitalist class. We oppose the nationalism of oppressor nationalities as wholly reactionary. We seek to link the struggles of workers and oppressed across national boundaries, and to build an international revolutionary movement that will facilitate the sharing of experiences and political lessons from one country with revolutionaries in another. That is why we maintain fraternal relations with the Fourth International.

    vanguard party: The capitalist class is highly organized, and to overthrow it the working class likewise needs organization. We believe in the need for a disciplined party of professional revolutionaries based on a political program that incorporates the lessons of past working class victories and defeats. The class struggle ebbs and flows – to maintain continuity and to be prepared for openings in the class struggle there is a need for an organization of always-active revolutionaries. We believe within such a party there must be complete and fair discussion and democracy, and the right to even form factions and tendencies to fight for your ideas. However, these democratically made decisions (the party line) must be binding on all members, and the party has to act as a common unit in carrying out the decided upon line in order to test if it is correct or not. This is called democratic centralism.

    united fronts: Recognizing the divisions that exist on the left and within the workers’ movement, as well as the low level of class consciousness that exists among many workers, we seek to form united fronts, and united front type organizations, around specific issues where various groups have agreement with us. In this way we seek to maximize our impact and the number of forces that can be mobilized around a given issue, demonstrate the power and effectiveness of mass action as opposed to symbolic small-scale and individual actions, and expose others on the left and the workers’ movement to our method of functioning and our political program. We also see this as the way of achieving meaningful revolutionary regroupment – because it allows different groups to work together and see whether or not they have significant political convergence. It should also be said that while we support the tactic of the united front, we are opposed to popular fronts – multi-class alliances that subordinate the interests of workers to that of a wing of the capitalist class.

    permanent revolution: This famous theory by Leon Trotsky holds that revolution in modern times, even in under-developed countries, has to be led by the working class and has to be a fully fledged socialist revolution – revolution cannot go through stages and cannot be made in alliance with any wing of the capitalist class. To be ultimately successful it also needs to be an international revolution. We believe that a successful socialist revolution will result in a workers’ government that is based on elected workers’ councils.

    Please, visit our website at!

    : 24th March 2016 21:54

    4 member(s)
    HitchFan42 Preacher DoCt SPARTAN Ilyich
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS)

    For members of the IOPS.

    IOPS is an organization based on Albert's and Hahnel's parecon theory, and an attempt to organize internationally around those ideas or some form of them.

    A tentative founding convention is supposed to be held in June 2014, contingent on meeting a couple of membership goals.

    : 25th January 2015 14:27

    3 member(s)
    BoratOfPhilosophy Open Creative Destruction
    Latest Discussion: Other IOPS members...
  • The 4th International

    The 4th international formed after the failure of the 3rd communist international to combat fascism and Nazism, by Leon Trotsky and his co thinkers, many of whom were leading members of their respective national parties. The 4th international is dedicated to the creation of a socialist society by adhering to both the immortal principles of Marxism and class struggle. We believe in forming United front struggle with other working class political groups in order to organize and educate the working class. Join now and work towards revolution with a dedicated group with comrades worldwide!

    : 2nd December 2015 09:03

    4 member(s)
    Hester23 billydan DasFapital Geiseric
    Latest Discussion: website with material
  • Socialist Labour Party (UK)

    Group for members, supporters and international friends of the Socialist Labour Party.

    : 28th August 2014 18:12

    2 member(s)
    SensibleLuxemburgist union6
  • Communistisch Platform

    Dutch group organised around 'orthodox' Marxist principles. Fighting to unite the left around a communist programme and around the principles of democracy, internationalism and political independence of our class.


    : 21st December 2016 22:21

    11 member(s)
    Sewer Socialist RedKobra Wikisocialist Tjis The Lizard King Die Neue Zeit Danielle Ni Dhighe bad ideas actualised by alcohol Farseer Tower of Bebel

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  • Marxist-Leninists

    Marxism-Leninism is the theory and practice of the Communists, who uphold the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin in the struggle for proletarian revolution, the construction of socialism, and the triumph of communism on a world scale. It is the scientific ideology of the working-class and its vanguard which accomplish these aims.

    Marxism-Leninism bases itself on historical and dialectical materialism, taking into account the objective material conditions existent in each country and region. It supports just struggles against imperialism and neo-colonialism whose victories are guaranteed through the leading role of the working-class in said struggles. It supports internationalism as the guiding basis of the foreign policy of the socialist state and in the approach to inter-imperialist conflicts. Marxist-Leninists fight for both democratic and socialist demands and, where necessary in the world, carry out any bourgeois-democratic tasks in tandem with the uninterrupted move over into the socialist revolution.

    The struggles waged by Marx, Engels and Lenin against all forms of revisionism, opportunism and reformism constituted both the defense of scientific socialism and its creative development, opposing both "left" and right-wing deviations.

    The construction of socialism in the Soviet Union and likeminded countries provided a superior alternative to the capitalist system. The treacherous policies pursued by the restorers of capitalism constituted a heavy setback for the world working-class movement, but they could not reverse the nature of capitalism and the inevitability of class struggles for socialism under it.

    Marxism-Leninism remains the ideology of the working-class by virtue of its scientific content and objective merits in the epoch of imperialism and the decay of capitalism.

    =Reading List=
    * (Elementary Principles of Philosophy)
    * (an introduction to Lenin's life, Leninism, and the October Revolution along with the first few years afterward)
    * ricalRecord
    * (The State and Revolution, by V.I. Lenin)
    * ("Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, by V.I. Lenin)
    * (Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism)
    * (The Fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy)
    -See Also-

    NOTE: To all forum users wishing to join, have some indication that you are a ML in your profile.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 7th June 2018 13:29

    572 member(s)
    srijan Molle james119a Nah Revisionism LumBardhi killstvz cruxcommunista Garlic Hihi H O X H A
  • Indian Guerilla Left Front

    Join the Indian political revolution .Lal Salaam to all Comrades

    : 5th June 2018 04:59

    5 member(s)
    srijan TheRightfulEmperor willowtooth GLF guevarism
  • Debunking leftists.

    As the tendency name suggests, this group is for interested leftists to come together, dispell and find quick refutations of common myths surrounding economics, discrimination, Communism itself and other subjects that commonly appear in the discourse of modern politics.

    If you get pissed off whenever you hear a comparison between Marx, Lenin Pol-Pot and Hitler, If you tremble uncontrollably at the words 'a way between extreme Marxism and Capitalism' or 'Good on paper but bad in practice', If you hate having to put up the constant conservative vomits who continuously explain to you how deregulation would increase competition and therefore worker's luxury of living, then this is the group for you!

    Category: Interests
    : 7th May 2018 06:03

    42 member(s)
    Euphoria Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Pinko_Cuck Faust Arp LeninistIthink The_Southern_Leftist Lenin_Was_Right flaming bolshevik M-L-C-F
  • Feminist

    Feminism: A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th April 2018 17:14

    504 member(s)
    theSashaScarr BreakAllTheChains Grouchy Monstrosity Pinko_Cuck openminded InfuriatinglyRed Rich Piana Seldokopor SentimentalDisenchantment Chomskyan
  • Orthodox Trotskyism

    Orthodox Trotskyism, so called by both adherents and detractors, is a political current within the broader Trotskyist movement that bases itself on the work of Leon Trotsky and his associates, such as James P. Cannon, who advanced Marxist theory in the direction indicated by Trotsky's work, in opposition to the revisionist theories of Pablo, Shachtman, Cliff and others. Orthodox Trotskyists emphasise the analysis, first outlined by Trotsky, of the Soviet Union as a degenerated workers' state, of the Stalinist bureaucracy as a contradictory stratum, and of the present epoch of the class struggle as being characterised by a deep crisis of leadership that can only be resolved by forging, on a firm basis, a Fourth International of revolutionary Bolsheviks-Leninists. This group is for adherents to the orthodox Trotskyist line, and every comrade who is interested in orthodox Trotskyist theory.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 13th April 2018 11:33

    29 member(s)
    Callum the communist BreakAllTheChains Chekist IsaacIsaac Konikow Art Vandelay Red Baker tomcres LeninistIthink Bee
    Latest Discussion: Rip
  • Romantic Sound

    For all those who's passion finds an outlet in music with themes about love and romance. Countless genres around the world from oldies and 70's ballads in the west to C-ambient and soothing J-pop ballads in the east. Romantic tones find themselves being a universal language. We don't care if this music makes us seem soft or weak, the mood it puts us in is powerful.

    Category: Interests
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    2 member(s)
    Callum the communist Bala Perdida
    Latest Discussion: What genre do you love to?
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    A union for all workers.

    An injury to one is an injury to all

    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    15 member(s)
    Callum the communist Pilotgrrl TheRightfulEmperor treich AngelofDarkness tpoted Birk umeradam TheFriedRooster Molotov1848
    Latest Discussion: This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Castroism

    This group is for people who feel cuba's revolution is now the example for world revolution in the 21rst century

    Category: Tendencies
    : 12th April 2018 22:45

    7 member(s)
    Callum the communist james119a guevarism yorkshireman ForNoGoodReason MiguelTheSocialist Raul Castro
  • Linguistics Group

    A Group for the discussion of Historical and Scientific linguistics, as well as the learning of languages.

    Category: Interests
    : 6th April 2018 17:22

    56 member(s)
    Potemkin Andrew_Zito tomcres Guardia Rossa Faust Arp Chomskyan Socialist99 Oulian Red_Banner OHumanista
  • Luxemburgists

    For all those who identify as Luxemburgists or are influenced by Rosa Luxemburg and her writings and actions.

    Category: Tendencies
    : 29th March 2018 01:57

    280 member(s)
    BreakAllTheChains RainbowRevolution AmericanCommunist criticalrealist allforbread JoPalma TheFriedRooster Noxian Idahoan_Luxemburgist InfuriatinglyRed
    Latest Discussion: Anarchism and Luxemburgism