
Guevarism holds the belief that Armed Struggle can trigger a Revolution wherever a Government doesn't have the favour of its Citizens.

Guevarism believes that the focoism principle of vanguardism by cadres of small, fast-moving paramilitary groups can provide a focus for popular discontent against a sitting regime, and thereby lead a general insurrection.

Ernesto Guevara did not count on a Leninist insurrection based on cities as had happened during the 1917 October Revolution, but on a popular uprisings which would gain strength in rural areas and would overtopple the regime: the vanguard guerrilla was supposed to bolster the population's morale, not to take control of the state apparatus by itself, without any exterior help.

Group Discussions in: Guevarist

  1. prop

    14th August 2012 00:13

  2. freedon

    27th April 2010 17:33

Showing Discussions 7 of 7