Revleft Action Party

We are the Revleft action group (R.A.P), We use this group as a hub to elaborate on our thread in ''Practice and Propaganda''

Right now our numbers are small, But we're recruiting and having people join.

Anyone can join,Present you're ideas at the thread and we elaborate on the best ones here, We strive to heighten Class Consciousnesses and just overall Socialistic and Communistic projects although Anarchists can join.

In our Thread we come up with the ideas and elaborate here.
The link to that thread is here.

Remember that we are intent on doing, We will strive to heighten Class Consciousnesses,Heighten the knowledge on the emancipation of the working class.
All tendencies may join of course as all tendencies have useful members.

Here are some tips and pointers for people that are interested.

1) Throw you're ideas into the thread in P&P.

2)They will be discussed with you're participation.

3)If the idea holds strong(If its a good but flawed idea then we will all make contributions to improve upon it.) then it will be brought here to the central part of the Group and elaborated on to make it so we can put it into practice.

4)We will return with discussion on how our activities went.

5)Keep you're head up and read this quote.
''The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.''

So join up! We could use you're help for the Proletarian cause, Socialism's cause and the overall Marxist cause.


Group Discussions in: Revleft Action Party

  1. nihilust

    21st August 2012 18:37

  2. The_Red_Spark

    19th August 2012 15:30

Showing Discussions 31 to 39 of 39