Left-Communist Group-Please Read.

  1. Cryotank Screams
    Cryotank Screams
    Welcome new members! The purpose of the group is to be essentially be a 'think-tank' and discussion group for 'left wing' Communists and our sympathizers to discuss various topics such as theory, history and so forth.

    If I may quote MIA for an introduction into what may be defined as 'left wing' Communism;

    "The Left Communists were those Marxists who supported the 1917 Russian Revolution, but differed with Lenin and Trotsky over a number of issues including the formation of the Soviet government in the U.S.S.R., the tactics of the Comintern in Europe and America, the role to be given to autonomous and spontaneous organisations of the working class as opposed to the working class political parties, participation in Parliament, the relationship with the trade unions and the trade union leadership.

    There are two main currents of “Left Communism”: on one hand, the Communist Left or “Council Communists” (the term used by the Dutch and German Left Communists after 1928) criticised the “elitist” practices of the Bolshevik Party, and increasingly emphasised the autonomus organisations of the working class, reminiscent in some ways of the anarcho-syndicalists and left communists of the pre-World War One period, rejecting “compromise” with the institutions of bourgeois society, while rejecting the new forms of working class rule created by the Russian Revolution. The main point of difference with the Bolsheviks was over the role of the Party and a workers’ state. On the other hand, there were “Ultra-Left” communists (especially some of the English and the Italians) who upheld the role of a Party in leading the working class and the aim of a workers’ state, but criticised the Bolsheviks for various forms of compromise, such as advocating participation in Parliament and the conservative trade unions.

    The main figures of Left Communism were: Karl Korsch, Anton Pannekoek, Paul Mattick, Herman Gorter, David Wijnkoop, Otto Rühle and Willie Gallacher; Amadeo Bordiga, Sylvia and Adela Pankhurst represent other ultra-left currents."

    This new group is a private, "members only," group. The reason for this is so that we may discuss various topics without having for example Leninists or Stalinists posting their "infantile disorder! LULZ!" bullshit and generally hindering discussion.

    I am the "leader," of this group so if you have any questions regarding the group then feel free to PM me and I will answer them to the best of my ability, .

    Any outright anti-Left Communist posts, threads and so forth will be deleted.

    Now let's get started comrades!