Tactics of the Left-Communists

  1. Raúl Duke
    Raúl Duke
    I ask this question seriously (as in, I'm not mocking),

    What do left-communists do?

    What tactics do they use, how do they organize and into what,etc?
  2. Alf
    [FONT=Arial]That's a big question. I will try to give an overview of what the ICC does, at least. In our basic principles 'our activity' is summarised as follows[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]Political and theoretical clarification of the goals and methods of the proletarian struggle, of its historic and its immediate conditions. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]Organised intervention, united and centralised on an international scale, in order to contribute to the process which leads to the revolutionary action of the proletariat.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana]The regroupment of revolutionaries with the aim of constituting a real world communist party, which is indispensable to the working class for the overthrow of capitalism and the creation of a communist society.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Those are three very broad categories, so we can then go into a lot more detail about each:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Political and theoretical clarification: internally, through our own discussions and debates in our section meetings, congresses, internal bulletins, etc; externally, through the publication of papers, reviews, books and pamphlets and a website in a number of different languages and countries; through participation in discussion circles, internet forums, and correspondence; through the holding of public meetings and attending public meetings of other political tendencies[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Organised intervention, which includes a number of the above activities, but also more direct participation in workers' struggles through leaflets or oral intervention (in the workplace, in assemblies, picket lines, demonstrations, etc), as members of the organisation, as individual workers or members of workers' groups.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Working for the regroupment of revolutionaries - a constant dimension of the above activities, and including both promoting the numerical growth of our organisation, and debate and joint activity with other organisatons whom we see as part of the proletarian movement. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]How are we organised? You could read this http://en.internationalism.org/specialtexts/IR033_functioning.htm[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]This can be read alongside a companion text about the function of the organisation[/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman][/FONT]
  3. bayano
    i know a lot of people who are, like myself, at least partly left wing communist, but operate independently and within social movements. i know others who are more orthodox who only do things that pannekoek or whomever would approve of. to me, thats as bad as orthodox leninists or makhnovists. thats my two cents.
  4. ern

    Could you explain more about what you mean, it is still difficult to understand what you are saying about the Communist Left