Trotskyist international quiz

  1. LeninistIthink
    I'm making a small quiz, like those personality quizzes , which will be a fun little way to see which international you belong to, anyone able to think of some good questions, it would really help if anyone from one of the smaller (no offence) internationals could submit a question and their international's answer.
    An example
    Q: Do you agree with entryism
    A: [ ] No
    [ ] Yes

    No would lead onto questions about the other internationals , and yes would lead onto questions about CWI ,IMT and any other entryist marxist group, do the WRP (UK) practise entryism?????
    Then depending on answer the next question might be
    Q: Do you agree with the CWI leaving the Labour Party
    A:[ ] No
    [ ] Not at that time
    [ ] Yes

    Now the answer here will add points to either the IMT or CWI or WRP category depending on answer.