CCCP who ruined it

  1. Zulu
    Stalin's main fault was that he didn't care if the members of his Politburo and the higher echelon of the party were good at Marxism, as long as they successfully implemented his policies. So Krushchev began ruining the USSR not so much of ill will, as of simply not knowing what to do next.
  2. Zulu
    [double post]
  3. Ismail
    Stalin's main fault was that he didn't care if the members of his Politburo and the higher echelon of the party were good at Marxism, as long as they successfully implemented his policies. So Krushchev began ruining the USSR not so much of ill will, as of simply not knowing what to do next.
    Things like claiming imperialism can be "tamed," or saying that one can peacefully achieve socialism in imperialist states via parliamentary means, don't come about as a result of a well-meaning communist not sure what to do next. Nor does denouncing Stalin and deviating from the economic policies of socialism.

    In fact those who wouldn't know what to do would tend to just keep the status-quo for a while. Yet as soon as Stalin died various changes were made to Gosplan, etc.

    Of course what you said is true for common people in the USSR, as well as a number of professors.
  4. Vyacheslav Brolotov
    Khrushchev sowed the seed of revisionism, Brezhnev grew the diseased tree of imperialism mixed in with stagnation, and Gorbachev's reformism cut down the entire tree of the Soviet Union.
  5. Bolshevik_Guerilla_1917
    I think Stalin had good reasons for doin some of the things he did because of WWII, and I think that to USSR losing the cold war is a good example of the western attempt to dominate with capitalism and imperialism
  6. Bolshevik_Guerilla_1917
    But other than that definitly Gorbachev and Khruschev........revisionist pussies
  7. loverussia24
    First of all, it is a myth that the Soviet Union "collapsed." It did not collapse, it was dissolved and transformed into what you see today.

    The Communist State constructed in the Soviet Union built a society ably prepared to compete on a level footing with the most industrialised nations shortly after the Revolution of 1917 turned a backward medieval society into one in the front line of development in social, cultural, industrial, educational and intellectual terms. The country was instantly electrified and transported into a superpower. It also allowed record recovery after the devastation of total war on its territory, culminating with the space advances of Sputnik and the first man in space.

    Citizens were guaranteed peace, work, pensions, excellent education, excellent healthcare, free public utilities and transportation and top quality leisure facilities for their free time, apart from basic foodstuffs and a moderate quantity of vodka.

    Not only in Russia but also in the other Soviet Union members and allies, and also around the world, the Soviet Union worked tirelessly to promote independence from the yolk of colonialism and imperialism and provided a workable model as an alternative to capitalism.

    Education was granted as a basic right to millions of people held down and back by colonialist imperialist tractices and standards of excellence were guaranteed across the developing world by Soviet technicians.

    Meanwhile the USA and its minions were spending trillions of USD to sabotage the model, perpetrating acts of terrorism and murder.

    The Communist model worked, and could have worked better, if it had not had to compete against a savage and unfair competition, but it worked.

    Sure, there are one or two things that need to be introduced, such as a vector where human endeavour is rewarded but this is not to say the whole system does not work. It did.

    Now, there came a moment in history when, as allowed in the Soviet Constitution, the members could dissolve the Union, and they did, because basically all the primary goals of the Soviet Union had been achieved.

    It did not collapse or implode, it simply modified and developed into what we call the CIS today, with more independence among the states but still inter-dependence in many areas, and more and more areas.

    Russians and Soviets from all members (except perhaps Balts) respect the Soviet Union and remember the magnificent contribution it made to their lives and those of millions around the globe.

    So the USSR developed, it did not collapse, just as the Cold War was ended, not lost or won. That is another myth perpetrated by western corporate media.

    Reminds when G.W. Bush went in and declared that the war in Iraq had been "won."
    Exactly what I say.