YDS calls for break with the Democrats

  1. SonofRage

    For years, progressive groups have wasted time and effort struggling to push conservative Democratic leadership to the left. Despite these efforts, nothing has come of it. The Democratic party has become increasingly centrist, neoliberal, and corporatist. The only persuasive argument that the party has is a weak cry that “We aren’t as bad as the other guys!”

    Socialists are better than this, and more principled. If you take a close look at each of the Democratic candidates that suffered crushing losses, you’ll find shaky politics, corporate funding, and a lack of interest in pushing policies that will actually help the working class. Is it any wonder that the Democratic voter base is disillusioned?

    The time has come to end this goal of pushing the Democratic Party left. In order to achieve success in third party politics, there’s a need for dedicated organizers and fundraisers to come together in cities around the nation. Across the nation, from Chokwe Lumumba, to Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones, to Jorge Mújica Murias, to Kshama Sawant, principled socialists are rising up and fighting back. And they’re winning. Let's join them.

    Don’t spend another election night disappointed by the failures of the Democratic Party. Organize around socialists in your cities, and fight back against neoliberalism.
  2. Chomskyan
    My local has already sort of done that, they've endorsed Green and Socialist candidates this past election. I voted for them.
  3. CaptainCool309
    "To paraphrase the great philosopher Kanye West, “The Democratic Party doesn’t care about the proletariat!”

    Lol, great article! It's nice to see the younger socialists taking the initiative in beginning to break away with the centrist corporate democrats. There are a few solid progressive democrats politicians out there, but they are overshadowed by the many corporate phony Democrats who reek of mistrust, and besides as Harry Truman once said: "If a voter has a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who acts like a Republican, he’ll vote for the Republican every time.” The majority of the American public may lean toward a more progressive agenda on many key issues, but they won't vote for democrats to represent them, because they don't trust most democrat politicians, and I for one don't blame them.

    Personally before I make any decision to completely split with the democrats, I wanna wait till the 2016 election. Cause just like there's a schism going on in the republican party between the old-school wing and the tea party wing, there's an upcoming schism on the horizon for the democrats in the form of centrist corporatists and progressive populists. Elizabeth Warren probably isn't going to run for president in 2016, but I know Bernie Sanders is yearning for a chance to fight the "Billionaire Class." I want to see if a good chunk of "democrats" back him up and can mount a legitimate attack against the Hilary Wing of the Party, and lead a new era of populism in the party. If not, and the Hilary wing of the party dominates and leads the party into the old status-quo, then for the most part bye-bye blue-dog dems, for me, hello third-party activism!