Hello Fellow Amerikkkan Revolutionaries!

  1. Cosmonaut
    Hello. I've joined this group. I want to say my particular belief of socialism and communism in Eichmerikkka. I believe that Amerikkka and Kanada and other first world nations are incapable of revolution as there is no proletarian class in these places. One day, when all the third world nations have united under socialism, when the bourgeois turn onto the petty bourgeois in pigmerikkka and other countries, the first world can be revolutionary. This is the day I hope will come true. Please do not be offended if you are a patriotic amerikkkan.
  2. Zoroaster
    A third worldist? Really? Come on. You're serious?
  3. Cosmonaut
    Yes. I am a third worldist.
  4. Cosmonaut
    A third worldist? Really? Come on. You're serious?
    Maybe you would've know I was serious if you had read those LLCO magazines I sent you.
  5. Zoroaster
    Actually, I did read it. And my reaction?


    Last time I checked, third worldist's aren't even allowed on the forum. The most recent one, Deep Sea, just got restricted because of it. Sorry.
  6. Cosmonaut
  7. Cosmonaut