I hate adults.

  1. Cosmonaut
    This might be ageist itself, but I hate adults. They think that they are superior to us in ever way. Everything should be for them. If you question them, they will be aggressive to you. They force you to a prison called school, when most of that stuff we either don't need or we can learn ourselves. We are sometimes more mature than them, or more smart than them, or both. But they will still control over us as if we were animals. I hate adults to an extreme. I have lived on this Earth for 14 years knowing only their oppression of me. If their are adults who do not think like this, who believe both kids and adults are equal, I will like them. Anyone agree?
  2. TheGodlessUtopian
    Yes and no. (1) Your rant is Ageist, a concept which means you are in support of the pigeonholing of age whether young or old. When I was making my way around the Youth Rights circles I came across a term which described people like you, who support one age spectrum but not the other. Have since forgotten it but the point is, it is counterproductive to rage unabashed against adults as any movement to attain equality for young people, especially in a revolutionary organization where pro-adult ageism runs deep, will need the enlistment of people and comrades (many of whom affiliate with the adult program) who press forward with the dismantling of the ageist superstructure. (2) The delusion of superiority which many adults have is the direct result of capitalism. The Mode of Production began to favor older workers as bourgeois economists were pressured from Rights activists to remove proletarian youth from their jobs as part of both an offensive against labor unionist recruiters as well as the growing need to reorganize the workplace's social dynamic and ensure a continuous population. These trends cannot expect to fade away under socialism since bourgeois thought has infected the revolutionary movement; while seemingly understandable, at first, considering youth are not as worldly experienced as older people, experience and maturity and knowledge are all false dichotomies. Reversing this trend will require rigorous action by knowledgeable, mature, and most of all, professional-acting, young revolutionaries. After all, the reason why adults believe the world is for them is because, by and large, they have made the world (the first world, anyway). Youth play an important aspect of this construction in bourgeois society but it is hidden underneath the disregard. Bringing this relevance into light and revolutionarizing it will not be an easy task. If young comrades are unable to bridge the gap between theory, reality, and the reaction then the ultimate liberation of young people under communism will never be realized. (3) Young people are forced into school regardless whether or not adults are questioned.
  3. Cosmonaut
    1. Honestly, I try not to be ageist, but with all of this happening, it is a very tempting thing for me.

    2. I agree

    3. Let me explain. School is being used in the wrong way. Rather than a place to learn, it is being used to oppress.

    So then, let me rephrase then. I hate the bourgeois, who made adults think like this.