Regional question

  1. A.R.Amistad
    Looking at your map, I fall into this category, but I'm a little torn. I am from rural South-Central Indiana, near Bloomington, and I like to claim that as my true home (my family still jointly has a house for us up their) but I currently reside in Louisville, Ky. Is their a way we could include "Midwest" or "heartland" in the group title as well. I say this because I think I'm being rejected as non-Midwestern by the Midwest regional group.
  2. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Bad Grrrl Agro
    I grew up in the rust belt, I live in the south now. But I don't think the midwest/rustbelt/heartland/great lake states are either south or east coast. However, Kentucky is part of the south even if it is a midwest-south melting pot for lack of better words.