Degenerated SLP?

  1. The Idler
    The Idler
    What happened to the SLP after De Leon? It seems to have lost its course? Does anyone ever describe it as degenerated?
  2. Grenzer
    Not that I know of. I wish I could say more on the issue, but I don't know much about the Party's history. I have some party texts from the 1940's, but they're all focused, unsurprisingly, around De Leon. They do have published a history of the party that goes up to 1930 that I wanted to acquire. Maybe that will tell more of the story. The American revolutionary movement seemed to collapse when the IWW ran out of momentum, the SPA collapsed, and with the rise of the CPUSA.
  3. Malesori
    I was at the SLP convention in 2000...not sure what happened thereafter